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Презентация на тему грамматические упражнения на употребление времен Present Simple\Present Continouos

………..he like watching TV?She ……… (wash) her hair three times a week. He …………(not/play) football very often. Harriet ……..(study) a lot at the weekend.What time…..(they/come) home from school?Doeswashesdoesn’t playstudiesdo they come
Present Simple vs Present Continuous ………..he like watching TV?She ……… (wash) her hair three times a week. I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. She gets dressed Describe the picture. Use the Present Continuous Tense.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 ………..he like watching TV?
She ……… (wash) her hair

………..he like watching TV?She ……… (wash) her hair three times a

three times a week.
He …………(not/play) football very often.

Harriet ……..(study) a lot at the weekend.
What time…..(they/come) home from school?



doesn’t play


do they come

Слайд 3 I get up then/when my alarm clock

I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. She gets

She gets dressed when/before she has her breakfast.

I always have a glass of milk before/and I go to bed.
On Sundays we have lunch and after that/when we go cycling.
He leaves work and/when he finishes cleaning up.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-grammaticheskie-uprazhneniya-na-upotreblenie-vremen-present-simplepresent-continouos.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0