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Презентация на тему Коренной Американец

Plan.1. Who were the Indians?2. Interesting facts about the Red Indians.3. Nowadays.
«The Native American» Plan.1. Who were the Indians?2. Interesting facts about the Red Indians.3. Nowadays. Who were the Indians?    In 1492, an Italian navigator Thinking he had landed in the Indies, group of islands east of Though Columbus had one name for them, the Indians north of Mexico Scientists speculate that people first came to North America during the Over time, these people increased in number, adapted to different environments and The Pawnee and Pueblo tribes were noted for farming and the Hopi Some groups, such as the peaceful Pueblo of the American Their neighbors, the Apache, lived in small bands. They hunted wildlife and The IroquoisThe Iroquois were fierce warriors. They surrounded their villages with wooden The Indians of the North Pacific coast harvested ocean fish Many Indians were fine crafts workers. They made pottery, basket, Different as they were greatly affected by the coming of Interesting facts about Red Indians. The people who were already in the The following were the chief types of a dwellings used by the b. The tepee was a pointed tent made of skins wrapped round a few poles.The tepee c. The long house was a large wooden hut.The long house. The pueblo.   d. The pueblo was a peculiar stone and The Red men were cunning hunters and clever trackers. The old warriors Their food consisted chiefly of deer and buffalo meat, and some From early childhood Red Indians were taught to endure pain and They believed magic powers to be present in the sun, and stars, The Indians wore leggings and moccasins of antelope skin, and adorned their The wife or squaw wore a long, beited, skin robe, and Nowadays.All Indian festivals were called dances, and only the men took an Today Native America are full citizens of the United States. They are In the early 21st century, Native American communities remain an enduring fixture According to 2003 United States Census Bureau estimates, a little over one
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan.
1. Who were the Indians?
2. Interesting facts about

Plan.1. Who were the Indians?2. Interesting facts about the Red Indians.3. Nowadays.

the Red Indians.
3. Nowadays.

Слайд 3 Who were the Indians?

Who were the Indians?  In 1492, an Italian navigator named

1492, an Italian navigator named Christopher Columbus set sail

from Spain in search of a sea route to Asia. Columbus hoped to obtain access to the wealth of spices, silks and gold for which the Asian continent was famous. Six weeks later his men sighted land.

Слайд 4 Thinking he had landed in the Indies, group

Thinking he had landed in the Indies, group of islands east

of islands east of coast of Asia, he called

the people on the first island on which he landed «Los Indios», or in English «Indians». Of course, Columbus had not reached Asia in all. He had landed in the New World (The American continent). But the name «Indians» remains fixed in the English language.

Слайд 5 Though Columbus had one name for them, the

Though Columbus had one name for them, the Indians north of

Indians north of Mexico in what is now the

United States and Canada, spoke over 300 language. And they lived scattered across the continent in tribes. To them, the continent was hardly new. Their ancestors had been living there for perhaps 30.000 years.

Слайд 6
Scientists speculate that people first came to

Scientists speculate that people first came to North America during

North America during the last ice age. At that

time, much of the earth` s water was frozen in the glaciers that covered large parts of the globe. As sea level dropped, a strip of land was exposed in the area that is now the Bering Strait. Man probably followed the big game he was hunting across this land bridge from Siberia into Alaska.

Слайд 7 Over time, these people increased
in number, adapted

Over time, these people increased in number, adapted to different environments

to different
and spread from the far northern

of Alaska and Canada to the tip of South
The chief hunting tribes were the Apache,
Blackfeet, Cherokees, Iroguios, Mohawk,
Navalo and Sioux.

Слайд 8 The Pawnee and
Pueblo tribes were noted for

The Pawnee and Pueblo tribes were noted for farming and the

and the Hopi tribe was famous for

making of baskets, carpets, and pottery.

Слайд 9 Some groups, such as the peaceful

Some groups, such as the peaceful Pueblo of the American

Pueblo of the American Southwest, lived in busy towns.

They shared many-storied buildings made of adobe (mud and straw ) bricks. They grew corn, squash and beans.

The Pueblo.

Слайд 10 Their neighbors, the Apache, lived in small bands.

Their neighbors, the Apache, lived in small bands. They hunted wildlife

They hunted wildlife and gathered plants, nuts and roots.

After acquiring horses from the Spanish they made their living by raising food and goods from their more settled white and Indians neighbors.

The Apache.

Слайд 11 The Iroquois
The Iroquois were fierce warriors. They surrounded

The IroquoisThe Iroquois were fierce warriors. They surrounded their villages with

their villages with wooden stockades to protect them from

attack by their tribe and for the glory of individual warriors.

Слайд 12 The Indians of the North Pacific

The Indians of the North Pacific coast harvested ocean fish

coast harvested ocean fish and seafood. Tribes like the

Haida lived in large plank houses with elaborately carved doorposts. These were called totem poles and the figures of them were a record of the history of the family which lived in the house.

The Indians of the North Pacific

Слайд 13 Many Indians were fine crafts workers.

Many Indians were fine crafts workers. They made pottery, basket,

They made pottery, basket, carvings and wove cotton and

plant – fiber cloth. They traveled in small boats and foot, never having developed the wheel. Some, such as the Plains Indians, used dogs to pull a load carrying called a travois.

Слайд 14 Different as they were greatly affected

Different as they were greatly affected by the coming of

by the coming of the white man with his

firearms, iron cooking pots, horses, wheeled vehicles and with his diseases, to which the Indians had no immunities. The European arrival changed the Indian way of life forever.

Слайд 15 Interesting facts about Red Indians.
The people who

Interesting facts about Red Indians. The people who were already in

were already in the New World when the white

men arrived were the first Americans, or America Fisters. They were also referred to as the First Families of Virginia.
The Red Indians tribes were the original natives of North America and they roamed about in freedom until the white settlers from Europe arrived and made their homes there. Since the occupation of the Land by the «Palefaces», they have lived in special allotted territories called Reservations.

Слайд 16 The following were the chief types of a

The following were the chief types of a dwellings used by

dwellings used by the various tribes:

a. The wigwam

was a tent hung with bark and hides and shaped like a bee-hive.

Слайд 17

b. The tepee was a pointed tent made

b. The tepee was a pointed tent made of skins wrapped round a few poles.The tepee

of skins wrapped round a few poles.

The tepee

Слайд 18
c. The long house was a large

c. The long house was a large wooden hut.The long house.

wooden hut.
The long house.

Слайд 19 The pueblo.
d. The pueblo was

The pueblo.  d. The pueblo was a peculiar stone and

a peculiar stone and clay building of terraced houses

with doorways in their flat roots. Ladders were laid against the walls and these were drawn up when an enemy attacked them.

Слайд 20 The Red men were cunning hunters and clever

The Red men were cunning hunters and clever trackers. The old

trackers. The old warriors taught the young boys, so

that, at an early age, they became skilful with bow and arrow, and expect at paddling their frail canoes in dangerous streams and rapids.

Слайд 21 Their food consisted chiefly of deer and

Their food consisted chiefly of deer and buffalo meat, and

buffalo meat, and some tribes grew corn and potatoes.

Wampum (ornamental beads made from shells) was widely used as money.

Слайд 22 From early childhood Red Indians were taught

From early childhood Red Indians were taught to endure pain

to endure pain and suffering without crying, and they

seldom showed signs of joy and happiness.

Слайд 23 They believed magic powers to be present in

They believed magic powers to be present in the sun, and

the sun, and stars, and the «medicine man»( witch

doctor) was supposed to be able to control these powers.

Слайд 24 The Indians wore leggings and moccasins of antelope

The Indians wore leggings and moccasins of antelope skin, and adorned

skin, and adorned their heads with eagle feathers. In

winter, they added a loose mantle of bison skin.

Слайд 25 The wife or squaw wore a long,

The wife or squaw wore a long, beited, skin robe,

beited, skin robe, and carried her baby or papoose

strapped to her back

Слайд 26 Nowadays.
All Indian festivals were called dances, and only

Nowadays.All Indian festivals were called dances, and only the men took

the men took an active part in them. They

painted themselves in very bright colours, and danced wildly round their fires, calling loudly for supernatural aid to ensure food supplies for the future.

Слайд 27 Today Native America are full citizens of the

Today Native America are full citizens of the United States. They

United States. They are proud of their own cultural

heritage, which they are trying to protect and maintain it.

Слайд 28 In the early 21st century, Native American communities

In the early 21st century, Native American communities remain an enduring

remain an enduring fixture on the United States landscape,

in the American economy, and in the lives of Native Americans. Communities have consistently formed governments that administer services like firefighting, natural resource management, and law enforcement.

  • Имя файла: korennoy-amerikanets.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 1