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Презентация на тему Lecture 7. Homonyms

The plan of the lecture 1) The definition of homonyms and their role in the lexicology2) The pun 3) Division of homonyms 4) Sources of homonyms 5) Split polysemy
Homonyms Lecture 7 The plan of the lecture 1) The definition of homonyms and their Examples Bank- n, a shore Bank – n, an institution where you The pun is a joke based on the play of homonyms A Classification Homonyms proper (a bank – a bank)Homophones ( piece-peace )Homographs (to Classification by A.I. Smirnitsky Classification by Pr. Smirnitsky1) Full homonyms 2) Partial homonyms 2.1. Simple lexico-grammatical End of lecture 7Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The plan of the lecture
1) The definition

The plan of the lecture 1) The definition of homonyms and

of homonyms and their role in the lexicology
2) The

3) Division of homonyms
4) Sources of homonyms
5) Split polysemy

Слайд 3 Examples
Bank- n, a shore
Bank – n,

Examples Bank- n, a shore Bank – n, an institution where

an institution where you can get the money

Been -

the Participle II of the verb to be
Bean – n,

Слайд 4 The pun is a joke based on the

The pun is a joke based on the play of homonyms

play of homonyms
A tailor guarantees you a perfect


What is this ?
It is a been soup.
I don’t care what it’s been, I need to know what is it now

Слайд 5 Classification
Homonyms proper (a bank – a bank)

Classification Homonyms proper (a bank – a bank)Homophones ( piece-peace )Homographs

( piece-peace )
Homographs (to lead – a lead )

Слайд 6 Classification by A.I. Smirnitsky

Classification by A.I. Smirnitsky

Слайд 7 Classification by Pr. Smirnitsky
1) Full homonyms
2) Partial

Classification by Pr. Smirnitsky1) Full homonyms 2) Partial homonyms 2.1. Simple

2.1. Simple lexico-grammatical partial homonyms
To found –

found (Participle II to find)
2.2. Complex lexico-grammatical partial homonyms
Rose , a noun – rose (Past Indef.)
2.3. Partial lexical homonyms
To lie (lay, lain)
To lie (lied,lied)

  • Имя файла: lecture-7-homonyms.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 2