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Презентация на тему Let no one forget, let nothing be forgotten

One of the most important holidays for me is the Victory Day. We celebrate it on the 9th of May.It is a patriotic holiday when we commemorates the victory of the
«Let no one forget, let nothing be forgotten» STUDENT:JusupovaAleksandraFORM : One of the most    important holidays for me is More than 20 million people were killed. The fascists destroyed more than This year students of my school have invited Chistyakov Gennadiy Konstantinovich-the veteran No doubt Victory day is a symbol of the  national
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 One of the most important

One of the most  important holidays for me is the

holidays for me is the Victory Day. We celebrate

it on the 9th of May.

It is a patriotic holiday when we commemorates the victory of the USSR over the Nazi Germany.

Слайд 3 More than 20 million people were killed. The

More than 20 million people were killed. The fascists destroyed more

fascists destroyed more than 2000 cities and towns and

70000 villages.

On this day we honor and remember our veterans and soldiers who sacrificed their health and lives for us and those who died of hunger and ruins.

Слайд 4 This year students of my school have invited

This year students of my school have invited Chistyakov Gennadiy Konstantinovich-the

Chistyakov Gennadiy Konstantinovich-the veteran of the Great Patriotic War

for special meeting. Gennadiy Konstantinovich has told us a lot about the major battles he took place during the war ( at the Arc of Kursk, for Berlin and others ), interesting stories from his remarkable life. He has many medals and orders for his bravery and contribution to the victory.

  • Имя файла: let-no-one-forget-let-nothing-be-forgotten.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0