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Презентация на тему London Overview

Westminster Abbey.The wonders ofWestminster Abbeyowe much to a succession ofkings and queensbeginning with Edwardthe Confessor a saintlyman who came to thethrone in 1040
London OverviewHow precious it is to be here, wandering... In the midst Westminster Abbey.The wonders ofWestminster Abbeyowe much to a succession ofkings and queensbeginning The Tower Bridge.Tower bridge was opened in 1984, built in theGothic style The Tower of London.The Tower ofLondon hasBeen “fortress,palace, home ofthe Crown Jewelsand Buckigham Palace.This is mostImportantBuilding, Whichis the Official residence of QueenElizaveth II Security Guard. Horse Guard The Palace of WestministerAmong the world’s mostFamousBuildings - theBritishParliament: theHouse of Lordsand the Houseof Commons The river Thames. Big Ben.The voice ofLondon hasbeen telling theTime since1859. London Eye. Famous Shop of Horrors. London at night London Underground London Underground London Taxi London Street When a man is tired of London, heis tired of life: for
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Westminster Abbey.
The wonders of
Westminster Abbey
much to a

Westminster Abbey.The wonders ofWestminster Abbeyowe much to a succession ofkings and

succession of
kings and queens
beginning with Edward
the Confessor a saintly

who came to the
throne in 1040

Слайд 3 The Tower Bridge.
Tower bridge was opened in 1984,

The Tower Bridge.Tower bridge was opened in 1984, built in theGothic

built in the
Gothic style to blend in the nearby

of London.

Слайд 4 The Tower of London.
The Tower of
London has
Been “fortress,

The Tower of London.The Tower ofLondon hasBeen “fortress,palace, home ofthe Crown

home of
the Crown Jewels
and national
treasures, arsenal,
mint, prison,
observatory, zoo


Слайд 5 Buckigham Palace.
This is most
Building, Which
is the Official

Buckigham Palace.This is mostImportantBuilding, Whichis the Official residence of QueenElizaveth II

Elizaveth II

Слайд 6 Security Guard.

Security Guard.

Слайд 7 Horse Guard

Horse Guard

Слайд 8 The Palace of Westminister
Among the
world’s most
Buildings -

The Palace of WestministerAmong the world’s mostFamousBuildings - theBritishParliament: theHouse of Lordsand the Houseof Commons

Parliament: the
House of Lords
and the House
of Commons

Слайд 9 The river Thames.

The river Thames.

Слайд 10 Big Ben.
The voice of
London has
been telling the
Time since

Big Ben.The voice ofLondon hasbeen telling theTime since1859.

Слайд 11 London Eye.

London Eye.

Слайд 12 Famous Shop of Horrors.

Famous Shop of Horrors.

Слайд 13 London at night

London at night

Слайд 14 London Underground

London Underground

Слайд 15 London Underground

London Underground

Слайд 16 London Taxi

London Taxi

Слайд 17 London Street

London Street

  • Имя файла: london-overview.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0