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Презентация на тему London Taxi History

VocabularyTo ply for hire – сдавать в арендуTo charge – нагружать, загружатьTo adjust – для регулировкиTo squeeze in - втиснутьсяA horse-drawn carriage – конный экипажA type of fly – тип наемного экипажаA sprung seat – сиденье
London Taxi History VocabularyTo ply for hire – сдавать в арендуTo charge – нагружать, загружатьTo HORSE-CABS AND HACKNEY CARRIAGESThe term ‘hackney’, as used in hackney coaches and A Hansom cabPrime Minister Benjamin Disraeli called them ‘the gondolas of London’ A Hansom cabThe hansom cab is a kind of horse-drawn carriage designed 28 Summer Place South Kensington First CoachesThe first man who organized hackney coaches and coachmen in a The Coachman’s Uniform The First Post-War TaxicabsIn the early years, the biggest taxi manufacturer was MOTOR CABSLondon’s first motor cabs were electrically powered. They were called Berseys An early Unic cab, made in Paris A new Austin cab,  “the High Lot”An Austin 12/4 Low Loader THE SECOND WORLD WARThe Second World War severely damaged the trade again, The Biggest Taxi DealershipIn 1929 Mann and Overton, the biggest taxi dealership, The Austin Low Loader 12/4 The Austin FX3 of the 1950s The well-known FX4, introduced in 1958The FX4, probably the most famous of TODAYMetro-Cammell-Weymann launched an all-new Metrocab in 1987. The cab’s body was made The Fibre-glass Metrocab Hooper MetrocabSince 1987, Metrocab has been one of the MISCELLANEAThe laws governing London’s taxi trade go back nearly four centuries.A London Green Badge An Argo taximeter of the 1930s, as fitted to an Austin 12/4 A TaximeterA taximeter is by definition what makes a ‘cab’ a ‘taxicab’. Green Badge Knowledge The Green Badge Knowledge is the name of the Three Types of Taxis in London Black Cabs Unlike other London taxis, London's black cabs are licensed by Mini CabsAll that is needed to drive a mini cab is a Taxi ToutsThese are completely illegal and are bad news, avoid them like Welcome to London!The taxi trade in London is the oldest regulated public Sources of Informationwww.lvta.co.uk/history.htm‎knowledgeoflondon.com/taxis.htmhttp://www.answers.com/topic/austin-12-4-low-loader-taxihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin_London_Taxicabhttp://www.taxi-london.net/London-Taxi-History.htmlhttp://www.taxi-london.net/London-Taxi-History.html
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Vocabulary
To ply for hire – сдавать в аренду

VocabularyTo ply for hire – сдавать в арендуTo charge – нагружать,

charge – нагружать, загружать
To adjust – для регулировки
To squeeze

in - втиснуться
A horse-drawn carriage – конный экипаж
A type of fly – тип наемного экипажа
A sprung seat – сиденье с пневматической подвеской
Auxiliary vehicles – вспомогательный транспорт
A hummingbird - колибри
A cab rank – стоянка такси
Miscellanea – всячина, разное

The term ‘hackney’, as used

HORSE-CABS AND HACKNEY CARRIAGESThe term ‘hackney’, as used in hackney coaches

in hackney coaches and cabs comes from the Norman

French word ‘haquenée’ meaning a type of horse suitable for hire.
Hackney coaches first appeared in London during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

Слайд 4 A Hansom cab
Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli called them

A Hansom cabPrime Minister Benjamin Disraeli called them ‘the gondolas of London’

‘the gondolas of London’

Слайд 5 A Hansom cab
The hansom cab is a kind

A Hansom cabThe hansom cab is a kind of horse-drawn carriage

of horse-drawn carriage designed and patented in 1834 by

Joseph Hansom, an architect from York.
Cab is a shortening of cabriolet. The cab, a type of fly, sat two passengers (three if squeezed in) and a driver who sat on a sprung seat behind the vehicle.

Слайд 6 28 Summer Place South Kensington

28 Summer Place South Kensington

Слайд 7 First Coaches
The first man who organized hackney coaches

First CoachesThe first man who organized hackney coaches and coachmen in

and coachmen in a form that we would recognize

today was Captain John Baily, who put four coaches to work in 1634, and set up what was undoubtedly London’s first cab rank. More than that, he dressed his coachman in livery and told them what to charge.

Слайд 8 The Coachman’s Uniform

The Coachman’s Uniform

Слайд 9 The First Post-War Taxicabs
In the early years, the

The First Post-War TaxicabsIn the early years, the biggest taxi manufacturer

biggest taxi manufacturer was William Beardmore of Glasgow (Scotland’s

largest engineering concern).

London’s first motor cabs were electrically powered.

MOTOR CABSLondon’s first motor cabs were electrically powered. They were called

They were called Berseys after Walter C. Bersey, the

manager of the London Electrical Cab Company
who designed them, but were nicknamed
”Hummingbirds” from the sound that they made.

Слайд 11 An early Unic cab, made in Paris

An early Unic cab, made in Paris

Слайд 12 A new Austin cab, “the High Lot”
An Austin

A new Austin cab, “the High Lot”An Austin 12/4 Low Loader

12/4 Low Loader taxi from the mid-1930s. Cabs could

be found in many
different colours
before the 1940s
and fleets would
have their own

The Second World War severely

THE SECOND WORLD WARThe Second World War severely damaged the trade

damaged the trade again, the production of cabs was

stopped for the duration. Many cabs were used as auxiliary  vehicles. With low numbers of drivers there were not many cabs on the road. The taxi trade was one area during the war where women did not take over a man’s role, as there was no time for the women to undergo the extensive ‘Knowledge of London’ topographical test that the men had completed.

Слайд 14 The Biggest Taxi Dealership
In 1929 Mann and Overton,

The Biggest Taxi DealershipIn 1929 Mann and Overton, the biggest taxi

the biggest taxi dealership, sponsored Austin to create a

new and much more cost-effective cab which immediately dominated the market. Since that agreement, more than 70 years ago, there is a direct line of succession to today's TX4 taxi.

Слайд 15 The Austin Low Loader 12/4

The Austin Low Loader 12/4

Слайд 16 The Austin FX3 of the 1950s

The Austin FX3 of the 1950s

Слайд 17 The well-known FX4, introduced in 1958
The FX4, probably

The well-known FX4, introduced in 1958The FX4, probably the most famous

the most famous of all London taxis remained in

continuous production with various modifications for 39 years. This wasn’t because it was such a fantastic vehicle,
but because neither
Austin nor Mann and
Overton could find the
money to replace it.

Слайд 18 TODAY
Metro-Cammell-Weymann launched an all-new Metrocab in 1987. The

TODAYMetro-Cammell-Weymann launched an all-new Metrocab in 1987. The cab’s body was

cab’s body was made of fibre glass and all

but the last version, the TTT, which was Toyota-powered, used a Ford Transit diesel engine. The Metrocab has passed through four owners in twenty years of production, the most successful and longest lasting being the third, Hooper.

Слайд 19 The Fibre-glass Metrocab

The Fibre-glass Metrocab

Слайд 20 Hooper Metrocab
Since 1987, Metrocab has been one of

Hooper MetrocabSince 1987, Metrocab has been one of the

the best known

London taxis.

The laws governing London’s taxi trade go back

MISCELLANEAThe laws governing London’s taxi trade go back nearly four centuries.A

nearly four centuries.
A London cab driver’s licence is issued

for a period of three years. In 1843 it became compulsory for cabmen to wear a metal badge showing their licence number, which they still do to this day.

Слайд 22 Green Badge

Green Badge

Слайд 23 An Argo taximeter of the 1930s, as fitted

An Argo taximeter of the 1930s, as fitted to an Austin 12/4

to an Austin 12/4

Слайд 24 A Taximeter
A taximeter is by definition what makes

A TaximeterA taximeter is by definition what makes a ‘cab’ a

a ‘cab’ a ‘taxicab’. Fitting of a taximeter was

made compulsory in London from July 1907. "Taxi" is an abbreviation of taximeter. The taximeter was invented in Germany and comes from the German word "Taxe" meaning charge or levy. It was first used in Berlin but soon adopted worldwide. Taximeters in London calculate the fare payable as a combination of time and distance. When the cab is in motion, it records distance and when the cab is stationary it records the time spent standing still and adjusts the fare accordingly.

Слайд 25 Green Badge Knowledge
The Green Badge Knowledge is the

Green Badge Knowledge The Green Badge Knowledge is the name of

name of the training needed to be undertaken to

become a Licenced Taxi Driver for the All London area which will allow you to ply for hire anywhere in the Greater London Authority Area. To qualify as a Green Badge Taxi Driver you will be expected to learn everything within a 6 mile radius of Charing Cross. This is an area of approximately 113 square miles and has to be learnt in detail.

Слайд 26 Three Types of Taxis in London

Three Types of Taxis in London

Слайд 27 Black Cabs
Unlike other London taxis, London's black cabs

Black Cabs Unlike other London taxis, London's black cabs are licensed

are licensed by the police. Drivers must spend at

least 36 months doing 'The Knowledge' which is in some cases considered harder than a university degree. They must ride around the city on mopeds learning all the streets of London, where they lead to, what the shortest route is and even about some of the individual buildings. Every fare in the famous, London black cabs is metered and no driver is allowed to charge more than is shown on the meter. Black cab drivers are a great source of information and you can often learn more about London in a ten minute ride than you would from most guidebooks. The drivers are also 99% honest, fair and great conversationalists.

Слайд 28 Mini Cabs
All that is needed to drive a

Mini CabsAll that is needed to drive a mini cab is

mini cab is a valid driving licence. Mini cab

drivers do not have to take any taxi tests and they are not regulated or licensed by anybody. They are generally cheaper than black cabs however they do not have meters in the cars so you have to trust the driver with the figure he gives you. Mini cabs in London are not allowed to stop on the street for you, you must ring them in advance to collect you

Слайд 29 Taxi Touts
These are completely illegal and are bad

Taxi ToutsThese are completely illegal and are bad news, avoid them

news, avoid them like the plague. They wait for

unsuspecting tourists who do not know any better, usually in places such as London airports and railway stations. They will appear to be friendly and helpful, carrying your bag from the train station outside to the car. Remember that mini cabs cannot pick you up on the street, so if it looks like a private car, not a big black taxi, then you should refuse to get in.

Слайд 30 Welcome to London!

The taxi trade in London is

Welcome to London!The taxi trade in London is the oldest regulated

the oldest regulated public transport system in the world.

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