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Презентация на тему Love is with music

Love is... a tender feeling, Love is...a way of being,
Love is... Love is... a tender feeling, Love is...a way of being, Love is...just showing someone you care. Love is... helping with the dishes, Love is...feeding your pet fishes, Love Love is so very simple, It’s not a mystery. When you treat those around you The very same way You want Love is...your baby sister, Love is...playng with her, Love is... holding her when she cries Love is...sharing your candy, Love is...being all that you can be, Love is... lending a helping hand When someone needs you. Love is... L-O-V-E For you and me. Oh! Love is the greatest Love is so very simple, It’s not a mystery. When you treat those around you The very same way You want Love is...sharing your candy, Love is...being all that you can be, Love is... lending a helping hand When someone needs you. Love is... L-O-V-E For you and me. Oh! Love is the greatest
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Love is... a tender feeling,
Love is...a way

Love is... a tender feeling, Love is...a way of being,

of being,

Слайд 3

Love is...just showing someone you care.

Love is...just showing someone you care.

Слайд 4

Love is... helping with the dishes,
Love is...feeding

Love is... helping with the dishes, Love is...feeding your pet fishes,

your pet fishes,
Love is...just giving from your heart.

Слайд 5

Love is so very simple,
It’s not a

Love is so very simple, It’s not a mystery.


Слайд 6

When you treat those around you
The very

When you treat those around you The very same way You

same way
You want them to treat you.

Слайд 7

Love is...your baby sister,
Love is...playng with her,

Love is...your baby sister, Love is...playng with her, Love is... holding her when she cries

Love is... holding her when she cries

Слайд 8

Love is...sharing your candy,
Love is...being all that

Love is...sharing your candy, Love is...being all that you can be,

you can be,

Слайд 9

Love is... lending a helping hand
When someone

Love is... lending a helping hand When someone needs you.

needs you.

Слайд 10

Love is... L-O-V-E
For you and me.

Love is... L-O-V-E For you and me. Oh! Love is the

Love is the greatest thing in the world.

Слайд 14

Love is so very simple,
It’s not a

Love is so very simple, It’s not a mystery.


Слайд 15

When you treat those around you
The very

When you treat those around you The very same way You

same way
You want them to treat you.

Слайд 16

Love is...sharing your candy,
Love is...being all that

Love is...sharing your candy, Love is...being all that you can be,

you can be,

Слайд 17

Love is... lending a helping hand
When someone

Love is... lending a helping hand When someone needs you.

needs you.

  • Имя файла: love-is-with-music.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 112
  • Количество скачиваний: 0