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Презентация на тему Magic world of fairy tales

What fairy tales are they?
Magic world of fairy tales      Lesson for What fairy tales are they? What fairy tales are they? Decode the names of the animals xofcordociletcaraherbaemynekoodgmesuofoxcrocodilecatharebearmonkeydogmouse Rhyme the words  rat    hare frog dog      cat Match the words of fairy tales' characters with their titles.Take the basket 1.What is the name of Crocodile Gena's little 	friend?  2.Where is Do your best, your very best And do it every day Good luck !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What fairy tales are they?

What fairy tales are they?

Слайд 3 What fairy tales are they?

What fairy tales are they?

Слайд 4 Decode the names of the animals

Decode the names of the animals xofcordociletcaraherbaemynekoodgmesuofoxcrocodilecatharebearmonkeydogmouse

Слайд 5 Rhyme the words rat hare frog

Rhyme the words rat  hare frog    fox

fox cow

horse parrot mouse

Слайд 6 dog cat

dog   cat     rabbit


duck pig cow

bunny piglet puppy kitten calf duckling

Help the babies to find their parents

Слайд 7 Match the words of fairy tales' characters with

Match the words of fairy tales' characters with their titles.Take the

their titles.

Take the basket and go to your granny.

porridge is too hot to eat.
I have two sisters and a step mother.
Who lives in the house?
Little pig, let me come in.

-The mitten.

- Cinderella.

-Red Riding Hood

- Three little pigs.

-Three bears.

-Red Riding Hood

-Three bears.

- Cinderella.

-The mitten.

- Three little pigs.

Слайд 8 1.What is the name of Crocodile Gena's little

1.What is the name of Crocodile Gena's little 	friend? 2.Where is

friend? 2.Where is Winnie the Pooh from: Great Britain or

America? 3.What fairy tale character likes to eat jam? 4.Who goes to her granny? 5.What animal likes honey? 6.What is the name of chickens' mother?

Fairy tale quiz

Слайд 10 Do your best, your very best And do it

Do your best, your very best And do it every

every day Little boys and little girls, This is the wisest

way. No matter what you try to do At home or at your school, Always do your very best There is no better rule.

Teacher's wish

  • Имя файла: magic-world-of-fairy-tales.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0