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VocabularyAdmittedly (adj)- по общему признанию или соглашениюAppease (v)- успокаивать, умиротворятьConscience (n)- совесть Lukewarm (a) – равнодушный, вялыйcommodity (n)- товарRevenue (n) – годовой доходDiscreetly (adj) – осторожно, сдержанноConceivably (alj) – предположительноIn the long run – в конце
Don’t Smoke! VocabularyAdmittedly (adj)- по общему признанию или соглашениюAppease (v)- успокаивать, умиротворятьConscience (n)- совесть Match the words and their meanings or  synonyms1. Dire2. virile3. tax4. Listening and checkWhat are several things you can always count on ?Which CubaEvery 42 Seconds Someone Attempts SuicideEvery 17 Minutes Someone Dies By Suicide CubaSmoking causes (or, if someone would be lucky, it might cause) many CubaIn fact, a tobacco-producing industry is very profitable, and of course, these CubaSmoking is one of social problems and despite some people considering it Smoking in EstoniaCigarette smoking is spread fairly evenly across Europe Teenage and drugs in EuropeWhen it comes to less popular drugs, such Smoking in FranceSmoking will be banned in all public places in France He has announced a ban on smoking in public places including train Norway    Norway since June 1 enters the prohibition Norway lawsThe government of Norway has promised to accept the laws, which Smoking in the USAThe federal court of the USA has recognized group « Forbidden descriptions include such words, as « low tar », « Our healthNicotine - one of the most dangerous poisons phytogenous. The auks The smoker does not perish that a dose to be entered step-by-step, Let’s discuss-The governments of most countries ban advertising cigarettes.-Tobacco is a wonderful Grammar- You will suffer from lung disease if you continue to smoke.- 1. Insert the verbs in the necessary formsIf you …to Rome…the Colosseum. 2. Complete the following rhymes with appropriate verb-forms according to the model Which of the proverbs is illustrated by  the picture? Why?EXPRESS YOURSELF1 Judge the cigarette  Roles:Secretary Prosecutor Investigator Victim Lawyer Ecologist Firefighter Cigarette Judge the cigarette  Secretary: Ladies and gentlemen! Today the court is Judge the cigarette  Victim (потерпевший): I met her (показывает на сигарету), Judge the cigaretteInvestigator: Let me introduce Mrs Gradusnikova- a doctor. Doctor: I Judge the cigaretteProsecuter: What are the results? Let’s listen to lawyer. Lawyer: Judge the cigaretteProsecutor: Accussed! What can you say for yourself? Cigarette: Dear Judge the cigaretteThe court sentenced : to expel the cigarette from our
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Vocabulary
Admittedly (adj)- по общему признанию или соглашению
Appease (v)-

VocabularyAdmittedly (adj)- по общему признанию или соглашениюAppease (v)- успокаивать, умиротворятьConscience (n)-

успокаивать, умиротворять
Conscience (n)- совесть
Lukewarm (a) – равнодушный, вялый

(n)- товар
Revenue (n) – годовой доход
Discreetly (adj) – осторожно, сдержанно
Conceivably (alj) – предположительно
In the long run – в конце концов
Drastic (a) – решительный, крутой
Insidious (a) – коварный, предательский
Virile (a) – мужественный, сильный
Utter (a) – абсолютный, крайний
Dire (a) – ужасный, страшный
Quit (v), give up – бросать, прекращать

Слайд 3 Match the words and their meanings or synonyms

Match the words and their meanings or synonyms1. Dire2. virile3. tax4.

2. virile
3. tax
4. utter
5. appease
6. drastic
7. ban
8. insidious
10. lukewarm

12. suffer
13. quit

a make quiet or calm
b complete, total
с settled practice, esp. that cannot easily be given up
d having a strong or violent effect
e order with authority that smth. must not be done
f comradeship, feeling of unity
g feel or have pain, loss, etc.
h having or shoving strength, energy, manly quality
i dreadful, terrible
j money paid by citizens to the government for public purposes
k not eager either in supporting or opposing
l doing harm secretly, unseen
m stop, leave

Слайд 4 Listening and check
What are several things you can

Listening and checkWhat are several things you can always count on

always count on ?
Which travels faster, heat or cold

How do you make a slow horse fast ?
Who is the strongest man in the world ?
What is the between ignorance and apathy ?

1.Your fingers. 2.Heat, because you can catch cold easily.
3. Take away its food. 4. A policeman, because he can hold up traffic. 5. I don’t know and I don’t care

Слайд 5 Cuba
Every 42 Seconds Someone Attempts Suicide

Every 17 Minutes

CubaEvery 42 Seconds Someone Attempts SuicideEvery 17 Minutes Someone Dies By

Someone Dies By Suicide (From the National Center for Suicide

Statistics, 2006 )

Слайд 6 Cuba
Smoking causes (or, if someone would be lucky,

CubaSmoking causes (or, if someone would be lucky, it might cause)

it might cause) many different illnesses like lung and

mouth cancer, heart disease, oral cavity. In general, the risk of developing a tobacco-related cancer depends on the intensity of the habit as determined by a duration of the smoking habit, a number of cigarettes smoked per day, a tar content of the cigarette, and the depth of inhalation.

Слайд 7 Cuba
In fact, a tobacco-producing industry is very profitable,

CubaIn fact, a tobacco-producing industry is very profitable, and of course,

and of course, these companies try to find or

sometimes to invent some evidences and reasons why people need to use their harmful production. I believe that the anti-smoking programs cause great losses to them, and someday they will succeed and it would not be profitable for producers to continue operating any more.

Figure 1 shows that the demand curve for tobacco production is very inelastic, because it is highly addictive and has no close substitutes. Buyers could not reject a considerable amount of it in response to a large increase in price.

Слайд 8 Cuba
Smoking is one of social problems and despite

CubaSmoking is one of social problems and despite some people considering

some people considering it to be like motorcycle riding

or other risky occupation, it is not worth totally risking. The conscious part of humanity ought to help smokers to give up this habit by trying to restrict smoking by all means. Then there would be one social problem less.

Moreover, smoking is a great fraud of all humanity. Smoking provides us with the same “virtues”, and all people, particularly at an early age, previously pretending to each other, that smoking is a sort of pleasure and relaxation for them, start getting pleasure just from the fact they have got addicted years later. This stupidity came out of tobacco producing companies, which made a fetish of a considerable part of humanity from an old Indian ritual tradition.

Слайд 9 Smoking in Estonia
Cigarette smoking is spread

Smoking in EstoniaCigarette smoking is spread fairly evenly across Europe

fairly evenly across Europe among teenagers.
Russia and Finland

rate highly on children who have smoked more than 40 times in their life - while Cyprus and Portugal are at the foot of this league table.
There is huge disparity in the use of cannabis - the most popular drug among teenagers.
While Cypriot, Maltese and Greek teenagers were least likely to have tried it, the UK and France tied for top place, with 35% of children confessing to having experimented.

Слайд 10 Teenage and drugs in Europe
When it comes to

Teenage and drugs in EuropeWhen it comes to less popular drugs,

less popular drugs, such as amphetamines, LSD and ecstasy,

some countries stand out.

In Estonia, 7% of teenagers have tried amphetamines - while virtually no Romanian teenagers own up to using them.

Neighboring Latvia has an ecstasy culture - 6% of teenagers have taken it, compared to none in Hungary.

Слайд 11 Smoking in France
Smoking will be banned in all

Smoking in FranceSmoking will be banned in all public places in

public places in France from next February.

Smoking is

a well-known French past time but the Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, says smoking kills more than 13 people a day in France.

He called it an "unacceptable reality".

Слайд 12 "We have decided to ban (smoking) tobacco in

public places."
The prime minister announced Sunday a ban on

smoking in public places like offices, schools and public buildings will start in February, while restaurants, dance clubs and some types of bars can delay applying the order until 2008.
The new rule will affect schools, train stations, airports, offices, public buildings and other enclosed public spaces starting Feb. 1, Villepin said. Restaurants, discos and special cafes where tobacco is sold will be given an "adjustment" period until Jan. 1, 2008.

Слайд 13 He has announced a ban on smoking in

He has announced a ban on smoking in public places including

public places including train stations, museums, government offices and

shops, but not on streets or in private places such as houses or hotel rooms.
Cafes, nightclubs and restaurants will be given until January 2008 to adapt to the new rules.
Those found in breach of the ban will be given fines - $130 for individuals and $250 for the premises where the offence occurred.
Recent opinion polls in France suggest 70 per cent of people support the ban.

Слайд 14 Norway
Norway since

Norway   Norway since June 1 enters the prohibition

June 1 enters the prohibition of smoking in bars

and restaurants. In it she has followed to an example of Ireland, becoming the second country in the pattern which has prohibited smoking in the public places. In Ireland the conforming law has taken effect since March 29.
" It is a remarkable stage phase in our policy of public health services, - the Norwegian Minister of Health Dagffin Haibratten considers counts. In interview he has declared to the journalists: " In some years we shall look back and we shall ask ourselves: why we have not made it earlier ".
In Norway smoking in the public places: on activity, in scroll bars, transport - was limited in 1988.
In Norway smokes 26 % of the population. A threshold established by World-wide organization of public health services, is 20 %.

Слайд 15 Norway laws
The government of Norway has promised to

Norway lawsThe government of Norway has promised to accept the laws,

accept the laws, which one completely will deprive the

tobacco companies of an advertising and marketing gantry. It becomes the most severe campaign against smoking in Europe.

The government of Norway underlines, that the restraining legal mode in relation to smoking is relevant for strife with favour for tobacco. As Mr. Hibrotten has declared, « smokes third of Norwegians. It is much less, than 10 years back. Our restraining laws bring fetuses. In 2001 70 000 Norwegians have thrown to smoke. The idea is simple: if successfully to struggle with marketing and advertising, the sales of tobacco items will fall ».

Слайд 16 Smoking in the USA
The federal court of the

Smoking in the USAThe federal court of the USA has recognized

USA has recognized group of tobacco campaigns, among which

one Philip Morris USA guilty of hiding during several decades of the truth about parasitic consequences of smoking. As informs AFP, henceforth it will be forbidden to the sires of cigarettes to use on production the terms indicating a under degree of a harm, brought to her.

Слайд 17 « Forbidden descriptions include such words, as «

« Forbidden descriptions include such words, as « low tar »,

low tar », « light » , « ultra

light », « mild » , « natural » and any other words convincing the buyer that the smoking marks of cigarettes with this description reduces danger of disease as contrasted to by smoking other сигаретных of the marks ».

The court also has bound to the tobacco companies to act with « by the corrective applications », in which one the dangers of smoking, and also « manipulations with design of cigarettes attempted for maintenance of favorable deliveries of nicotine » should be mentioned. These applications should be located on web-sites of the companies, are printed out by separate inserts in сигаретных members, and also are printed out as the full-page advertising publications in the Sunday issue of a number of the American newspapers.

Слайд 18 Our health
Nicotine - one of the most dangerous

Our healthNicotine - one of the most dangerous poisons phytogenous. The

poisons phytogenous. The auks (sparrows, pigeons) perish, if to

their bill only to bring a glass rod, wetted nicotine. The rabbit perishes from 1/4 drips of nicotine, dog - from 1/2 drips. For the person the lethal dose of nicotine makes from 50 up to 100 мг, or 2-3 drips. . Such dose goes daily in a blood after выкуривания 20-25 cigarettes (in one cigarette is contained approximately 6-8 milligram of nicotine, from which one 3-4 mg falls in a blood).

Слайд 19 The smoker does not perish that a dose

The smoker does not perish that a dose to be entered

to be entered step-by-step, not into one reception. Furthermore,

the part of nicotine neutralizes other poison keeping in tobacco. Within 30 years such smoker smokes approximately 20000 cigarettes, or 160 kegs of tobacco, occluding on the average 800 g of nicotine. The systematic absorption of small, nonlethal doses of nicotine produces a habit, favour for smoking.

Слайд 20 Let’s discuss
-The governments of most countries ban advertising

Let’s discuss-The governments of most countries ban advertising cigarettes.-Tobacco is a

-Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax.
-There is no

doubt that most countries conduct shortsighted policy concerning smoking.
-Smoking is banned in all public places in this country.
Hundreds of non-smokers die of lung cancer every year because they live or work with smokers.
As a rule people don’t believe that there is a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer.
There is no doubt, that everybody would be much better-off without smoking.
Advertising cigarettes is as insidious as it is dishonest.
Smoking may be not as harmful as most people shout about it.

Слайд 21 Grammar
- You will suffer from lung disease if

Grammar- You will suffer from lung disease if you continue to

you continue to smoke.
- If you smoke and you

still don’t believe that there’s definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles you will certainly suffer the consequences

Everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.
If the government of the world were honestly concerned about the welfare of their people, they would conduct aggressive antismoking campaigns

Слайд 22 1. Insert the verbs in the necessary forms


1. Insert the verbs in the necessary formsIf you …to Rome…the

you …to Rome…the Colosseum. (go, see)
If you … to

London maybe you … the queen (go, see)
If you … with me you … anything (stay, not see)
But you’ll be very happy, that’s for sure.

If it … a year I … you my darling. (take, find)
If I … some money… you … and with me ? (make, come, stay)
If I … you nicely … you a cup of tea ? (leave, be)
Then I’ll be very happy, that’s for sure.

Слайд 23 2. Complete the following rhymes with appropriate verb-forms

2. Complete the following rhymes with appropriate verb-forms according to the

according to the model of the first line


you walk to China if you had the time ?
… you … at a quarter to three ?
… you … to China if you … the time ?
… you … to China with me ?
Of course, I … to China if I … the time.
I… at a quarter to three.
Of course, I … to China if I … the time.
If I ... only free.
(walk, leave, have, be)

3. Complete the following sentences, use the prompts

I would never take up the habit if… (to be married / single )
If smoking were banned altogether … (healthier, happier)
Provided we had known the consequences … (not to eat, not to buy)

We would have acted differently if … (the circumstances to be different).

Слайд 24 Which of the proverbs is illustrated by the

Which of the proverbs is illustrated by the picture? Why?EXPRESS YOURSELF1

picture? Why?

1 Open discussion. Work in groups of

four or five. You are talking about smoking. Choose the role and use the appropriate functions. Don't forget to use the Real Condition and Unreal Condition sentences.
Discussion group:
- The surgeon general;
- The head of a tobacco company;
- A government member;
- A member of a smokequitters club;
Other smokers and non-smokers.

Слайд 25 Judge the cigarette

Judge the cigarette Roles:Secretary Prosecutor Investigator Victim Lawyer Ecologist Firefighter Cigarette


Слайд 26 Judge the cigarette
Secretary: Ladies and gentlemen! Today

Judge the cigarette Secretary: Ladies and gentlemen! Today the court is

the court is the chief prosecuter
Stand up!

The court is coming!
Sit down please!
Prosecuter: Today we are going to listen about deliberate attempt (преднамеренное
покушение) оn human life.
The defendant ( подсудимая) is well-known cigarette.
Enter the defendant!
( Cigarette enters.)
Let”s listen to Mrs. Obidchikova (the investigator- следователь).
Investigator: Mr.Court! Today we”ll listen to witnesses to make a fair decision.
We are dealing with criminal!
It looks smart, beautiful, clever. Let’s listen to Mr. Dochlyakov.
You have to tell only the truth!

Слайд 27 Judge the cigarette
Victim (потерпевший):
I met her

Judge the cigarette Victim (потерпевший): I met her (показывает на сигарету),

(показывает на сигарету), when I was in 6-th grade.

I’ve heard about her before. I am not very strong and I have only
few friends. I wanted to pay attention to me. That’s why I met her closer.
After first cigarette I had a headache, was very nervous, had choking cough.
But I did not want to look weak. Soon, I got used to it and can not imagine
life without it. It became difficult for me to remember lessons. I finish
school year with a lot of bad marks. And now I have a terrible pain of hands and
feet. When I visited a doctor, I was told, that it is because of the cigarette.
Prosecuter: Mrs. Obidchikova! Are witnesses ready?
Investigator: Let me introduce Mrs Gradusnikova- a doctor.

Слайд 28 Judge the cigarette
Investigator: Let me introduce Mrs Gradusnikova-

Judge the cigaretteInvestigator: Let me introduce Mrs Gradusnikova- a doctor. Doctor:

a doctor.
Doctor: I treat this person. I am

sure, that everything is because of cigarette.
People called tobacco black grass.
Chemists have shown that smoking forms about 6 thousands substances.
A man, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day gets the same dose of radiation.
Tobacco is an enemy of immunity. That is why smoking people have serious
I would like to explain about pain in hands and feet. Nicotine narrows blood
vessels and the cells suffer. That is why growth is delayed, memory becomes
worse. It may be even gangrene.
Prosecuter: Welcome to next witness-Ms Polzuncova –pediastrist.
Pediastrist: Children, who are born from smoking parents, have very weak organism.
Brain suffers very much. That is why these children visit neurologist very often. Genetic properties of child change, because tobacco contains radiation substances.

Слайд 29 Judge the cigarette
Prosecuter: What are the results? Let’s

Judge the cigaretteProsecuter: What are the results? Let’s listen to lawyer.

listen to lawyer.
Lawyer: Tobacco business is very huge.

And smoking is man’s weakness, his own business.
To sum up, smoking is a personal matter.
Investigator: Lawyer is not right. He does not tell us all facts. Public health becomes worth. So, Look at cigarette! How she is dressed! What is the wrapper!
Billions of dollars are spent in its advertisement!
We still have witnesses. Listen to Mr. Zelenov (ecologist) and Mr Firefighter.
And sum up if smoking is a personal matter as Mr.Lawyer presented, or it is worth (стоит) to judge cigarette.
Zelenov: The air in the room is getting worth in 20 times.
Firefighter: Everybody knows that fires are because of cigarettes. Big forest can be burnt in minutes because of cigarettes. Take in account these facts!

Слайд 30 Judge the cigarette
Prosecutor: Accussed! What can you say

Judge the cigaretteProsecutor: Accussed! What can you say for yourself? Cigarette:

for yourself?
Cigarette: Dear Court! Sorry me, please! Of

course, I can not deny everything, but you know
That everything depends on the man himself.
Only the man chooses to smoke or not. Pity me, save from life sentence.
Prosecutor: Court removed at the meeting!
Advertise your posters!
Secretary: Stand up! Court is coming!
Prosecutor: The court found guilty of a cigarette :
* to destroy human life, health and future
* to live in spoiled environment
* to creat fires

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