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Презентация на тему Материалы к уроку в 4 классе УМК Кузовлев В.П. Un. 3 Lesson 4 What are your weekends like? презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Vocabulary a weekendearly to make breakfast to go to football practice to go to dance class a funfair a cafe Me too! late
What are your weekends like?Unit 3 Lesson 4Form 4 Vocabulary a weekendearly to make breakfast to go to football practice to This is what Jack says about the way they spend their weekendsDo they like their weekends? Do you spend weekends like Jack and Jessica?I get up late at Pair workGet up early/lateClean the houseWatch TVGo to you friend’s houseHelp mumGo Jack’s friend
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Vocabulary
a weekend
to make breakfast
to go

Vocabulary a weekendearly to make breakfast to go to football practice

to football practice
to go to dance class

a cafe
Me too!

Слайд 3 This is what Jack says about the way

This is what Jack says about the way they spend their weekendsDo they like their weekends?

they spend their weekends
Do they like their weekends?

Слайд 4 Do you spend weekends like Jack and Jessica?


Do you spend weekends like Jack and Jessica?I get up late

get up late at the weekend.
Me too! I get

up late at the weekend.

Not me! I don’t get up late at the weekend. I get up early.

Слайд 5 Pair work
Get up early/late
Clean the house
Watch TV
Go to

Pair workGet up early/lateClean the houseWatch TVGo to you friend’s houseHelp

you friend’s house
Help mum
Go out to play
Go on the

Go to bed late

I think I will … at the weekend. Will you … ?

I think I will. / No, I won’t. And will you …?

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