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Презентация на тему Meat

Meat…A MAN who eats ALL. meat WHAT GOOD MEAT?Useful properties of meat and meat products are undeniable. The meat LAURA.My character likes meat and she finds that vegetarians are hypocrites because meat THANK YOU
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 meat


Useful properties of meat and meat

WHAT GOOD MEAT?Useful properties of meat and meat products are undeniable.

products are undeniable. The proteins found in meat, its

composition is very close to human. Many preachers food without meat offered to replace it with the consumption of soy, but it did not amount to replacing meat. In soy no such amino acids that are present in the meat. Meat products - a valuable source of iron, potassium, phosphorus. People who ate meat, does not know what is anemia - the companion of almost all vegetarians. Many people give their preference to products (liver, brain, and lungs), they have a lot of vitamins to the human body, but often they do not have, because they contain large amounts of cholesterol.

Слайд 5 LAURA.
My character likes meat and she finds that

LAURA.My character likes meat and she finds that vegetarians are hypocrites

vegetarians are hypocrites because they do not eat meat,

but they wear clothes made of skin or fur of mink WEAR AND SO ON.

  • Имя файла: meat.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0