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History Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast was created on January 12, 1922. It was split into Karachay Autonomous Oblast and Cherkess National District on April 26, 1926. Cherkess National District was elevated to an autonomous oblast status on
Karachay-Cherkessia RepublicSights of republic History Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast was created on January 12, 1922. It was Geography Karachay-Cherkessia Republic is situated on the northern part of Big Caucasus, CherkesskCherkessk is the capital of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic. It is situated on the History of our capitalCherkessk was founded in 1804 as a Russian military ClimateThe climate in the region is relatively warm, with short winters and Nature	Our republic is good not only for travelling and tourism. It MountainsAbout 80% of the territory of the republic is mountainous. Mountains, air, clean rivers and lakes, wonderful fields and forests, hospitable people are our pride. Forests cover a large part of the territory. The republic has The republic's fauna includes deer, Caucasian goats, chamois, roe deer, bears, squirrels, There are a lot of places of interest in our republic. There is a place which every tourist wants to visit. It is Nature reserves Teberdinskiy in Karachay-Cherkessia Karachay-Cherkess Republic is one of the most wonderful places in the world. Welcome to our republic! Проект выполнили учащиеся 11 «А» класса.Цель проекта: ознакомить гостей республики с ее
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 History
Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast was created on January 12,

History Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast was created on January 12, 1922. It

1922. It was split into Karachay Autonomous Oblast and

Cherkess National District on April 26, 1926. Cherkess National District was elevated to an autonomous oblast status on April 30, 1928. In 1943, Karachay Autonomous Oblast was abolished and the Karachay population was deported to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan accused of collaboration with the Nazis. Most of the Karchay territory was split between Stavropol Krai and Georgia. The remaining territory populated by the Cherkessians was known as Cherkess Autonomous Oblast until January 9, 1957 when it was re-established into Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast in its former borders due to the re-habilitation of the Karachay. On July 3, 1991, the autonomous oblast was elevated to the status of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia (under the jurisdiction of the Russian SFSR). With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the words "Autonomous Soviet Socialist" was dropped from the name.

Слайд 3 Geography
Karachay-Cherkessia Republic
is situated on the northern part

Geography Karachay-Cherkessia Republic is situated on the northern part of Big

Big Caucasus, to the east and
north from

Elbrus, part of
North Caucasian Federal District.
The length of republic territory
from north to south is 140 km,
from west to east - 170 km. The
republic borders on the Krasnodar
Territory in the west, the Stavropol
Territory in the north and northeast,
the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
in the east, and Georgia and Abhazia
in the south.

Слайд 4 Cherkessk
Cherkessk is the capital of the Karachay-Cherkessia
Republic. It

CherkesskCherkessk is the capital of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic. It is situated on

is situated on the right bank of the Kuban

River. It is a railway station on the way Nevinnomysk-
Dzheguta from the way Armavir-Baku. Cherkessk is divided
into three districts: central, southern and northern. The
central one consists of the most ancient buildings with
curved streets of a Cossack village. It is an industrial,
administrative, and culture centre of the city. The biggest
public buildings are located here: the House of the
Soviets, regional library, the Drama theatre. A park A
green island, located in the flood bed of the Kuban
River, is a part of the district. The northern district is
primarily industrial, the southern the place of manors
build up. There are put up monuments to V.I. Lenin, to
The Hero of the Civil War, to Y.F.Balakhonov in the city.
Cherkessk is a cultural centre of the Republic. There
is a technological institute, the institute of economy,
history, and literature in the city. There is also a
regional natural museum-reserve, established in 1918.

Слайд 5 History of our capital
Cherkessk was founded in 1804

History of our capitalCherkessk was founded in 1804 as a Russian

as a Russian
military fortress on the Kuban boundary,

Russian army under General I.I.Herman
defeated 40-thousands Turkish army Batal-
Pashy in 1790. In honour of this victory,
Batalpashinskaya village was established,
meaning it is situated on the place Batal-
Pasha defeat. The village has been an
administrative centre of the Kuban region since
1880. It has become a city Batalpashinsk since
1931. In 1934 the city was renamed into Sulimov
after the chairman of the Council of People's
Commissars. Sulimov was arrested in 1937 and
the city was renamed into Ezhovo-Cherkessk
after N.I. Ezhov, an executive of arrests and
decimations. In 1939 Ezhov was arrested as well,
and the city has kept its second part Cherkessk,
the centre of Cherkessia. It has been the centre
of the Karachayevo-Cherkess Autonomous Region 
since 1957, and since 1991 it has been the capital
of the Karachayevo-Cherkessian Republic.

Слайд 6 Climate
The climate in the region is
relatively warm,

ClimateThe climate in the region is relatively warm, with short winters

with short
winters and long and warm
summers. The

temperature in January is
-3°C, and the average
temperature in July is +22°C.
The highest recorded
temperature is +39°C, and
the lowest is -29°C.

Слайд 7 Nature
Our republic is good not only for travelling

Nature	Our republic is good not only for travelling and tourism.

and tourism. It is the place where a man

can merge with nature.

Слайд 8 Mountains
About 80% of the territory of the republic

MountainsAbout 80% of the territory of the republic is mountainous.

is mountainous.

Слайд 9 Mountains, air, clean rivers and lakes, wonderful fields

Mountains, air, clean rivers and lakes, wonderful fields and forests, hospitable people are our pride.

and forests, hospitable people are our pride.

Слайд 10 Forests cover a large part of the territory.

Forests cover a large part of the territory. The republic

The republic has an abundance of water resources. 172

small and large rivers flow through the republic, the largest is Kuban, Bolshoi and Maly Zelenchuk, Urup, and Laba rivers. There are about 130 glacial alpine lakes and numerous alpine waterfalls.

Слайд 11 The republic's fauna includes deer, Caucasian goats, chamois,

The republic's fauna includes deer, Caucasian goats, chamois, roe deer, bears,

roe deer, bears, squirrels, foxes, muskrats, martens, mink, jackals,

wolves, raccoon dogs, European hares, otters, forest cats, badgers, lynx, grey partridge, pheasants, Caucasian grouse, Caucasian snow cocks, and ducks. Flora includes more than 1,260 different plants (235 of them endemic).

Слайд 12 There are a lot of places of interest

There are a lot of places of interest in our republic.

in our republic.

Слайд 13 There is a place which every tourist wants

There is a place which every tourist wants to visit. It

to visit. It is the Face of the Christ

on a rock in Arkhyz.

Слайд 14 Nature reserves Teberdinskiy in Karachay-Cherkessia

Nature reserves Teberdinskiy in Karachay-Cherkessia

Слайд 15 Karachay-Cherkess Republic is one of the most wonderful

Karachay-Cherkess Republic is one of the most wonderful places in the world. Welcome to our republic!

places in the world. Welcome to our republic!

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