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Презентация на тему My native city is Samara

Our city is very big. Its name is Samara. It is a very old place.Samara
My native city is SamaraPerformed a student of 4 e class Adusheva Veronika Our city is very big. Its name is Samara. It is a very old place.Samara Samara is situated not far from Moscow near      the Volga River.Samara Our city is famous for its factories and theatres. We are the The streets in our city are wide. Samara There are shops, banks, cinemas, restaurants in our city. We have got There are museums in Samara. Samara There are many forests and mountains around my city.Samara We know many cities are more important than Samara but not for This is Samara. Samara
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Our city is very big. Its name

Our city is very big. Its name is Samara. It is a very old place.Samara

is Samara. It is a very old place.

Слайд 3 Samara is situated not far from Moscow near

Samara is situated not far from Moscow near   the Volga River.Samara

the Volga River.

Слайд 4 Our city is famous for its factories and

Our city is famous for its factories and theatres. We are

theatres. We are the first builders of the rockets.

Слайд 5 The streets in our city are wide.

The streets in our city are wide. Samara

Слайд 6 There are shops, banks, cinemas, restaurants in our

There are shops, banks, cinemas, restaurants in our city. We have

city. We have got a railway station too. It

is not far from our school.


Слайд 7 There are museums in Samara.

There are museums in Samara. Samara

Слайд 8 There are many forests and mountains around my

There are many forests and mountains around my city.Samara


Слайд 9 We know many cities are more important than

We know many cities are more important than Samara but not

Samara but not for us. We can say: “East

or West, home is best”

We think our city is very beautiful and we are proud of it.

  • Имя файла: my-native-city-is-samara.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 125
  • Количество скачиваний: 0