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Презентация на тему Pickpocketing

Pickpockets - the most difficult and honorable profession among thieves
PresentationPickpocketing Pickpockets - the most difficult and honorable profession among thieves Catch the thief in the act is very difficult and almost impossible to prove his guilt Pickpocketing are small crimes then after the crime occurs administrative responsibility The theft - secret abduction of another's property Theft is punishable by a fine up to fifty non-taxable minimum incomes, Pickpockets works from morning to night in the buses and the trolley or in public places So we have to be very careful and try to protect themselves Be careful !!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Pickpockets - the most difficult and honorable profession

Pickpockets - the most difficult and honorable profession among thieves

among thieves

Слайд 3 Catch the thief in the act is very

Catch the thief in the act is very difficult and almost impossible to prove his guilt

difficult and almost impossible to prove his guilt

Слайд 4 Pickpocketing are small crimes then after the crime

Pickpocketing are small crimes then after the crime occurs administrative responsibility

occurs administrative responsibility

Слайд 5 The theft - secret abduction of another's property

The theft - secret abduction of another's property

Слайд 6 Theft is punishable by a fine up to

Theft is punishable by a fine up to fifty non-taxable minimum

fifty non-taxable minimum incomes, or correctional labor for up

to two years, or imprisonment for up to three years

Слайд 7 Pickpockets works from morning to night in the

Pickpockets works from morning to night in the buses and the trolley or in public places

buses and the trolley or in public places

Слайд 8 So we have to be very careful and

So we have to be very careful and try to protect

try to protect themselves from pickpocketing, because thieves with

experience can very easily get out of our pocket wallet

  • Имя файла: pickpocketing.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0