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Презентация на тему Places of Interest in London

Answer the questionsDo you like to read books?Are you playing at the moment?Does your sister want a computer?Is your brother listening to music?Do you go to school every day?Are your parents cooking the dinner at the
Places of Interest in LondonДостопримечательности Лондона Answer the questionsDo you like to read books?Are you playing at the Workbook Exercise 14 page 31 Workbook Exercise 15 page 32Could you go to the theatre by yourself? Exercise 17 page 66. Listen and repeat.Trafalgar SquareThe Tower of LondonThe Houses Trafalgar Square Трафальгарская площадь The Tower of London Крепость «Лондонский Тауэр» The Houses of Parliament Здание Парламента Big Ben Биг Бен Westminster Abbey Вестминстерское Аббатство The Bloody Tower Кровавая башня The White Tower Белая башня Tower Bridge Тауэрский мост Buckingham Palace Букингемский дворец Exercise 18 at page 66. Finish the sentences.Big Ben isa palacea bella 1ый вариант1. Listen! My friend … the song. (sings, sing, is singing)2. Hometaskупр. 3 стр.72р/т упр. 20 стр.33 Изучайте английский язык и путешествуйте по миру! ☺
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Answer the questions
Do you like to read books?

Answer the questionsDo you like to read books?Are you playing at

you playing at the moment?
Does your sister want a

Is your brother listening to music?
Do you go to school every day?
Are your parents cooking the dinner at the moment?

Слайд 3 Workbook Exercise 14 page 31

Workbook Exercise 14 page 31

Слайд 4 Workbook Exercise 15 page 32
Could you go to the

Workbook Exercise 15 page 32Could you go to the theatre by

theatre by yourself? – I want to stay at

Look! Do you see that red bus over there?
Do you like to try this dress?
Do you need any help? No, thank you.
Where is Mason? – He is having his breakfast.
Listen! Barbara is singing! She has a beatiful voice.

Слайд 6 Exercise 17 page 66. Listen and repeat.
Trafalgar Square
The Tower

Exercise 17 page 66. Listen and repeat.Trafalgar SquareThe Tower of LondonThe

of London
The Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Westminster Abbey
The Bloody Tower

White Tower
Tower Bridge
Buckingham Palace

Слайд 7 Trafalgar Square Трафальгарская площадь

Trafalgar Square Трафальгарская площадь

Слайд 9 The Tower of London Крепость «Лондонский Тауэр»

The Tower of London Крепость «Лондонский Тауэр»

Слайд 11 The Houses of Parliament Здание Парламента

The Houses of Parliament Здание Парламента

Слайд 12 Big Ben Биг Бен

Big Ben Биг Бен

Слайд 14 Westminster Abbey Вестминстерское Аббатство

Westminster Abbey Вестминстерское Аббатство

Слайд 16 The Bloody Tower Кровавая башня

The Bloody Tower Кровавая башня

Слайд 17 The White Tower Белая башня

The White Tower Белая башня

Слайд 18 Tower Bridge Тауэрский мост

Tower Bridge Тауэрский мост

Слайд 20 Buckingham Palace Букингемский дворец

Buckingham Palace Букингемский дворец

Слайд 22 Exercise 18 at page 66. Finish the sentences.
Big Ben

Exercise 18 at page 66. Finish the sentences.Big Ben isa palacea

a palace
a bell
a square

2. The Queen lives in
the Tower

of London
Buckingham palace
Windsor Palace

3. The Bloody Tower is in
the Tower of London
the Houses of Parliament
Westminster Abbey
4. The country’s leaders speak in
the Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Buckingham Palace

Слайд 23 1ый вариант
1. Listen! My friend … the song.

1ый вариант1. Listen! My friend … the song. (sings, sing, is

(sings, sing, is singing)
2. I … some problems at

(have, has, am having)
3. They … to visit galleries and museums.
(likes, are liking, like)
4. Where is mum? She
(cooks, cooking, is cooking)

2ой вариант
1. I can … a lot of girls in the street.
(am seeing, sees, see)
2. His brother … the piano very well.
( play, plays, is playing)
3. Will you go to the shop? We … some bread and butter.
(need, needs, needed)
4. Look! They … to the library now.
(go, are going, is going)

Слайд 24 Hometask
упр. 3 стр.72
р/т упр. 20 стр.33

Hometaskупр. 3 стр.72р/т упр. 20 стр.33

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  • Количество просмотров: 119
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