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Презентация на тему к Брейн-рингу 1. методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Guess what is the weather like in summer in: … in Antarctica
Brain ring Guess what is the weather like in summer Check yourself1) It’s cold and frosty in Antarctica.2) It’s hot and sunny Write the sentences out of these words:1. Check yourself.1. There Match the words with opposite meanings. Busywarmcold lazylittle sunnybighotcloudycold Check yourself busy – lasy, cold – warm,   sunny – Complete the table: Check yourselfa child – children, a woman – women,  a house Find and circle the words about sport Check yourself badminton basketball skiskate hockey tennis run Match the words and the definitions: … is Check yourself definition 1 – hockey definition 2 – table tennis definition 3 - volleyball Match the words and the pictures.12345a living room b) a pantry c) Check yourself1 – a bathroom 2 – a living room  3 This is the seasonWhen mornings are darkAnd birds do not singIn . This is the season When fruit is sweet.This is the seasonWhen This is the seasonWhen nights are short,And children have plentyOf sun . This is the season When snowdrops bloom,When nobody likesTo stay in Check yourself.1. Winter. 2. Autumn. Make up the words: Check yourself shelf, sofa, table, fireplace, piano, chair. Tiny wants to invite you to the picnic. Be  ready. Check yourselfI would take cheese, bread, sweets, apples…I would play football, tennis, badminton… Put one extra word away and guess the season.- Check Yourself! 1. Winter  2.Spring3.Summer 4.Autumn Make up the words of the next letters.1) usynn2) Check Write down all these words Check yourself. Choose the right word: will or won’t.1) Tomorrow it … be hot 1) Tomorrow it will be hot and sunny.2) I will make a Make up sentences of the next words.1) water, I, will, in an Check yourself!1) I will water the flowers Well done!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Guess what is the

Guess what is the weather like in summer in:

weather like in summer in:

in Antarctica … in Africa

… in England … in Russia

Слайд 3 Check yourself
1) It’s cold and frosty in Antarctica.

Check yourself1) It’s cold and frosty in Antarctica.2) It’s hot and

It’s hot and sunny in Africa.
3) It’s cloudy and

rainy in England.
4) It’s warm and sunny in Russia.

Слайд 4 Write the sentences

Write the sentences out of these words:1. are,

out of these words:

1. are, There, two, in our

flat, bedrooms.

3. there, Are, in your room, any, shelves?

4. no, is, There, a fireplace, in my house.

2. a carpet, There, is, on the floor.

Слайд 5

Check yourself.1. There are two bedrooms

Check yourself.

1. There are two bedrooms in our


2. There is a carpet on the floor.

3. Are there any shelves in your room?

4. There is no a fireplace in my house.

Слайд 6 Match the

Match the words with opposite meanings. Busywarmcold lazylittle sunnybighotcloudycold

words with opposite meanings.

Слайд 7 Check yourself
busy – lasy, cold – warm,

Check yourself busy – lasy, cold – warm,  sunny –

sunny – cloudy, hot – cold,

little – big.

Слайд 8 Complete the table:

Complete the table:

Слайд 9 Check yourself
a child – children, a woman –

Check yourselfa child – children, a woman – women,  a

a house – houses, a town

– towns,
a mouse – mice, a city – cities,
a sheep – sheep, a shelf – shelves,
a party – parties, a horse – horses,
a country – countries.

Слайд 10 Find and circle the

Find and circle the words about sport

words about sport

Слайд 11 Check yourself

Check yourself badminton basketball skiskate hockey tennis run

Слайд 12 Match the words and

Match the words and the definitions: … is a

the definitions:
… is a team sport played on ice

in which skaters use wooden sticks. The game is played between two teams of 6 players each.

… is a sport in which 2 or 4 players take part. The game takes place on a table divided by a net.

… is a team sport in which two teams of 6 players. This sport is usually played with the hands.

Слайд 13 Check yourself
definition 1 – hockey
definition 2

Check yourself definition 1 – hockey definition 2 – table tennis definition 3 - volleyball

– table tennis
definition 3 - volleyball

Слайд 14 Match the words and the pictures.
a living room

Match the words and the pictures.12345a living room b) a pantry

b) a pantry c) a kitchen
d) a bedroom

e) a bathroom

Слайд 15 Check yourself
1 – a bathroom
2 – a

Check yourself1 – a bathroom 2 – a living room 3

living room
3 – a bedroom
4 –

a kitchen
5 – a pantry

Слайд 16 This is the season
When mornings are dark

This is the seasonWhen mornings are darkAnd birds do not

birds do not sing
In the wood and the park.

is the season
When children ski,
And Santa Claus
Brings the New Year’s tree.

Solve the riddles.

Слайд 17 . This is the season
When fruit is

. This is the season When fruit is sweet.This is the

This is the season
When school friends meet,
When noisy and

And brown by the sun
With their books and bags
To school they run.

Слайд 18 This is the season
When nights are short,

This is the seasonWhen nights are short,And children have plentyOf

children have plenty
Of sun and sports
Boating and swimming
All the

With a merry song
On a sunny day.

Слайд 19 . This is the season
When snowdrops bloom,

. This is the season When snowdrops bloom,When nobody likesTo stay

nobody likes
To stay in the room.
This is the season

the birds make their nests.
This is the season
We all like best.

Слайд 20 Check

Check yourself.1. Winter. 2. Autumn.	 3. Summer. 4. Spring.

1. Winter.
2. Autumn.
3. Summer.
4. Spring.

Слайд 21 Make up the words:

Make up the words:      s l

s l f

e h

o f a s

b l e t a

p l c e f a r i a


i n p o a


h c i r a

Слайд 22 Check yourself
shelf, sofa, table, fireplace, piano, chair.

Check yourself shelf, sofa, table, fireplace, piano, chair.

Слайд 23 Tiny wants to invite you to the picnic.

Tiny wants to invite you to the picnic. Be ready. 1)

Be ready. 1) What would you take for

the picnic? 2) What sport would you like to play?

You can take bread, …

You can play football, …

Слайд 24 Check yourself
I would take cheese, bread, sweets, apples…

Check yourselfI would take cheese, bread, sweets, apples…I would play football, tennis, badminton…

would play football, tennis, badminton…

Слайд 25 Put one extra word away

Put one extra word away and guess the season.-

and guess the season.
- flowers, play snowballs, toboggan, Christmas;

warm, sunny, frosty, green leaves;

- hot, swim, snowball, dive;

- fruits, rain, school, ski;

Слайд 26 Check Yourself!
1. Winter

Check Yourself! 1. Winter 2.Spring3.Summer 4.Autumn


Слайд 27 Make up the words of

Make up the words of the next letters.1) usynn2)

the next letters.
1) usynn
2) iwdny
3) lcoduy
4) nswoy


6) ocdl

Слайд 28

Check yourself. 1) sunny2) windy

Check yourself.
1) sunny
2) windy


4) snowy

5) hot

6) cold

Слайд 29 Write down all these words

Write down all these words    n

n the right


Winter, sunny, March, June, summer, frosty, cold, January, July, windy, spring, autumn, cloudy, December, snowy, hot, May.

Слайд 30

Check yourself.

Check yourself.

Слайд 31 Choose the right word: will or won’t.
1) Tomorrow

Choose the right word: will or won’t.1) Tomorrow it … be

it … be hot and sunny.
2) I … make

a funny snowman next winter.

3) My brother … skate because he can’t.

4) Sam…play tennis tomorrow. He…play football.

5) Next year we … fly to Moscow.

Слайд 32 1) Tomorrow it will be hot and sunny.

1) Tomorrow it will be hot and sunny.2) I will make

I will make a funny snowman next winter.
3) My

brother won’t skate because he can’t.

4) Sam won’t play tennis tomorrow. He will play football.

5) Next year we will fly to Moscow.

Check yourself!

Слайд 33 Make up sentences of the next words.
1) water,

Make up sentences of the next words.1) water, I, will, in

I, will, in an hour, flowers, the. -
2) you,

Will, a bicycle, ride, tomorrow?-

3) won’t, it, snowy, be, next winter. -

4) they, Will, walk, park, the, in? -

5) Nick, grandma, his, visit, won’t, week, next.

Слайд 34 Check yourself!
1) I

Check yourself!1) I will water the flowers in

will water the flowers in an hour.
2) Will you

ride a bicycle tomorrow?

3) It won’t be snowy next winter.

4) Will they walk in the park?

5) Nick won’t visit his grandma next week.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-breyn-ringu-1-metodicheskaya-razrabotka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass-po-teme.pptx
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