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Презентация на тему к открытому уроку презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс)

Food and drinks
Hello, hello It’s so nice to say. Hello, hello and have a nice day! Food and drinks Goals:To repeat the words2. To make up dialogues3. To make an order at a restaurant Put in the missing letters:Chocolate i_e c_eamGreen t_aOrange _uic_Le_onM_ _t and pota_oesF_sh Let’s checkChocolate ice creamGreen teaOrange juiceLemonMeat and potatoesFish MENUFish soup        - green/black tea Let’s have a rest 1.- May I take your order?- Yes. I’d like a pizza and I can…. Homework:Make up a dialogue in pairs (3-4 Good bye, good bye I don’t like to say Good bye, good
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Food and drinks

Food and drinks

Слайд 3 Goals:
To repeat the words
2. To make up dialogues

Goals:To repeat the words2. To make up dialogues3. To make an order at a restaurant

To make an order at a restaurant

Слайд 11 Put in the missing letters:
Chocolate i_e c_eam
Green t_a

Put in the missing letters:Chocolate i_e c_eamGreen t_aOrange _uic_Le_onM_ _t and pota_oesF_sh

M_ _t and pota_oes

Слайд 12 Let’s check
Chocolate ice cream
Green tea
Orange juice
Meat and potatoes

Let’s checkChocolate ice creamGreen teaOrange juiceLemonMeat and potatoesFish

Слайд 13 MENU
Fish soup

MENUFish soup    - green/black tea with lemon

- green/black tea with lemon

Meat and potatoes - orange juice
Spaghetti - chocolate ice cream
Green salad - cake
Chicken - fruit salad

Слайд 14 Let’s have a rest

Let’s have a rest

Слайд 15
1.- May I take your order?
- Yes. I’d

1.- May I take your order?- Yes. I’d like a pizza

like a pizza and spaghetti
- Anything else?
- A green

salad, please.
- A pizza, spaghetti and a green salad, right?
- Yes, that’s right
3. -Can I see a menu, please?
- Here you are
- Thank you. I want soup, a sandwich and a toast
- What would you like to drink?
- I’d like a green tea with a lemon, please

2.– I am thirsty. I want to drink. Let’s call a waiter.
Would you like any drink?
Yes, I’d like a glass of orange juice
Do you want to drink?
Yes, I want a chocolate ice cream

Слайд 16 I can….

I can….

* ** ***
1. name food and drinks in English
2. write words on the topic “food”
3. make up dialogues
4. make an order in real restaurant

*- I need more practice
** - I sometimes find this difficult
***- No problem

Слайд 17
Make up a dialogue in pairs (3-4

Homework:Make up a dialogue in pairs (3-4

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-otkrytomu-uroku-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 116
  • Количество скачиваний: 0