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Презентация на тему к уроку Wild and domestic animals презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

To ex. 32 Animals liveIn the forest in the zoo on the farm
Wild and domestic animals To ex. 32         Animals Animals live In the ocean  in the river  in the Help the animals to find their homesHelp the animals to find their homes The eagle lives in the mountains. Help the animals to find their homes The dolphin lives in the sea. Help the animals to find their homes The whale lives in the ocean. Help the animals to find their homes The snake lives in the river,in the desert ,in the forest. Help the animals to find their homes The crocodile lives in the river. Help the animals to find their homes The camel lives in the desert. Thanks for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 To ex. 32

To ex. 32     Animals liveIn the forest

Animals live
In the forest

in the zoo on the farm

Слайд 3 Animals live
In the ocean in the

Animals live In the ocean in the river in the mountainsIn

river in the mountains

In the sea

in the desert

Слайд 4 Help the animals to find their homes
Help the

Help the animals to find their homesHelp the animals to find their homes

animals to find their homes

Слайд 5 The eagle lives in the mountains.

The eagle lives in the mountains.

Слайд 6 Help the animals to find their homes

Help the animals to find their homes

Слайд 7 The dolphin lives in the sea.

The dolphin lives in the sea.

Слайд 8 Help the animals to find their homes

Help the animals to find their homes

Слайд 9 The whale lives in the ocean.

The whale lives in the ocean.

Слайд 10 Help the animals to find their homes

Help the animals to find their homes

Слайд 11 The snake lives in the river,in the desert

The snake lives in the river,in the desert ,in the forest.

,in the forest.

Слайд 12 Help the animals to find their homes

Help the animals to find their homes

Слайд 13 The crocodile lives in the river.

The crocodile lives in the river.

Слайд 14 Help the animals to find their homes

Help the animals to find their homes

Слайд 15 The camel lives in the desert.

The camel lives in the desert.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-wild-and-domestic-animals-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 0