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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Визит в Лондон (6 класс)

A visit to London
“London is a fantastic city”урок английского языка для обучающихся 6 классаАвтор: A visit to	 London CapitalThe capital of RussiaMoscow is the capital of RussiaTowerAn old towerPlaceA wonderful Sightseeing in London…  Sightseeing in London. Forty cameras clicking, clicking, Stamps The City The Tower of London St. Paul’s Cathedral Trafalgar Square Big Ben
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 A visit to London

A visit to	 London

Слайд 3
The capital of Russia
Moscow is the capital of

CapitalThe capital of RussiaMoscow is the capital of RussiaTowerAn old towerPlaceA

An old tower
A wonderful place
A noisy place
Two centuries ago

the nineteenth century
To build a bridge
In the middle of the room

Слайд 4 Sightseeing in London…

Sightseeing in London.

Sightseeing in London… Sightseeing in London. Forty cameras clicking, clicking, Stamps

cameras clicking, clicking,
Stamps on twenty postcards sticking.

London in a day,
Seeing all and then away.
First the Thames and then the Tower.
Lots of time — another hour!

Слайд 5 The City

The City

Слайд 6 The Tower of London

The Tower of London

Слайд 7 St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Слайд 8 Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-vizit-v-london-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 139
  • Количество скачиваний: 0