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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Let's go shopping (9 класс)

Let’s go to the shop
Hello! My name is Ann.What am I?You are right!I am a shop Let’s go to the shop AIMS: To revise words and expressions in oral speech To develop dialog Shopping verbs to sell to buyto serveto helpto chooseto payto try on Can I help you?What size you?Where’s the fitting room?It suits youDo you 123a choice of clothes in the fitting-roomat the cash-desk 1a choice of clothes 2in the fitting-room 3at the cash-desk I like fancy clothesDo you like fancy clothes?Make sentences:these jeans, do, me, General question in indirect speechSmb asks smb if ____ _____ Ex: I Special question in indirect speechSmb asks smb special word ____ _____ Ex:
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Let’s go to the shop

Let’s go to the shop

Слайд 3 AIMS:
To revise words and expressions in oral

AIMS: To revise words and expressions in oral speech To develop

To develop dialog skills
To revise a grammar

rule: general and special questions in indirect speech

Слайд 4 Shopping verbs
to sell
to buy
to serve
to help

Shopping verbs to sell to buyto serveto helpto chooseto payto try on

to pay
to try on

Слайд 5 Can I help you?
What size you?
Where’s the fitting

Can I help you?What size you?Where’s the fitting room?It suits youDo

It suits you
Do you need another size?
It’ too big

on me.

Can I pay by card?

It’s a bit small.

Do you have these jeans in a larger (smaller) size?

Does it fit?

Is it my colour?

What make do you prefer?

How will you pay?

How much is it?

Would you like to try it on?

I’ll take it..

Do you like it?

Слайд 6 1
a choice of clothes
in the fitting-room
at the

123a choice of clothes in the fitting-roomat the cash-desk


Слайд 7 1
a choice of clothes

1a choice of clothes

Слайд 8 2
in the fitting-room

2in the fitting-room

Слайд 9 3
at the cash-desk

3at the cash-desk

Слайд 10 I like fancy clothes
Do you like fancy clothes?

I like fancy clothesDo you like fancy clothes?Make sentences:these jeans, do,

these jeans, do, me, suit?
me, these jeans, suit.

these jeans suit me?
These jeans suit me.

Слайд 11 General question in indirect speech
Smb asks smb if

General question in indirect speechSmb asks smb if ____ _____ Ex:

____ _____
Ex: I ask her: “Do you like

casual clothes?”
I ask her if she likes casual clothes.

1. He asks me: “Do you need another size?”
He asks me …
2. She asks him: “Do you care about your clothes?”
She asks him…
3. I ask her: “Do you usually buy thins in the sales”
I ask her …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-lets-go-shopping-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 122
  • Количество скачиваний: 0