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Презентация на тему Олимпийские игры презентация к уроку по иностранному языку

The Olympic MOTTO
\The Olympic Flag The Olympic MOTTO Beginning in 776 BC, the Olympic Games were held in the They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and took Baron Pierre de Coubertin is The victors of the early games were awarded with wreaths from the The latest 30-th Olympic Games took place in London in 2012. Athletes
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 7 The Olympic MOTTO

The Olympic MOTTO

Слайд 8 Beginning in 776 BC, the Olympic Games were

Beginning in 776 BC, the Olympic Games were held in

held in the Valley of Olympia in Greece

Слайд 9 They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and

They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and took

took place every four years. Sportsmen competed in running,

wrestling, jumping, throwing the discus and throwing the javelin. In time boxing, a chariot race, and other events were included.

Слайд 11 Baron Pierre de Coubertin is

Baron Pierre de Coubertin is

the organizer of the Modern Olympic Games.

The Modern Olympic Games took place in Greece in 1896. Almost 300 athletes from 13 countries participated in 9 different sports.

Слайд 12
The victors of the early games were awarded

The victors of the early games were awarded with wreaths from

with wreaths from the olive tree that was planted

by Hercules
( Heracles), founder of the Games.

Слайд 13

Olympic Mascots

Olympic Mascots

First it appeared at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. It was Waldi, the dachshund. Since that time it has been one of the symbols of the Olympics. It shows the geographical features, history and culture of the host city.

Слайд 14 The latest 30-th Olympic Games took place in

The latest 30-th Olympic Games took place in London in 2012.

London in 2012. Athletes from 204 countries competed in

37 different sports.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-olimpiyskie-igry-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0