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Презентация на тему к уроку англ яз в 5 кл Обозреваем достопримечательности Лондона

Цель: формирование коммуникативных умений учащихся в процессе чтения, говорения и письма.Задачи:Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими;Развитие исследовательских учебных действий (навыки работы с информацией);Развитие смыслового чтения (чтение с полным пониманием содержания);Осуществление регулятивных действий;Подготовка к
Урок английского языка в 5 классе на тему «Раскрываем достопри-мечательности Лондона»Подготовил:Василичева Вера Цель: формирование коммуникативных умений учащихся в процессе чтения, говорения и письма.Задачи:Развитие коммуникативной London is the capital of Great Britain Neznayka and his friends would like to visit London[ ju] museum, stadium, Neznayka and his friends would like to visit London and to see Key……are the buildings where the British Parliament seats.…….is one of the most Make as much words combinations as you canAdjectives Do you like to travel together?  Let’s do everything together!Clap, clap, Neznayka and his friends would like to know about London sightsThey have Say True or FalseNeznayka tryes to remember the information.Big Ben is a Homework:  Ex.32 p.96  (to learn the story about one of What didn’t we know at the beginning of the lesson?What have we How have you worked on the lesson?I did my best.  5It Thank you for attention!      The lesson is over. Good bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Цель: формирование коммуникативных умений учащихся в процессе чтения,

Цель: формирование коммуникативных умений учащихся в процессе чтения, говорения и письма.Задачи:Развитие

говорения и письма.
Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, включая умение взаимодействовать

с окружающими;
Развитие исследовательских учебных действий (навыки работы с информацией);
Развитие смыслового чтения (чтение с полным пониманием содержания);
Осуществление регулятивных действий;
Подготовка к монологическому сообщению «Достопримеча-тельности Лондона»;
Знакомство с культурой страны изучаемого языка и приобщение к её ценностям.
Совершенствовать компенсаторные умения учащихся (использовать в качестве опоры ключевые слова, план, схемы).

Слайд 3 London is the capital of Great Britain

London is the capital of Great Britain

Слайд 4 Neznayka and his friends would like to visit

Neznayka and his friends would like to visit London[ ju] museum,

[ ju] museum, stadium, monument
[i] history, tourist,

taxi, traditional
[iэ] theatre, real
[a:] park, parliament
[i] gallery, abbey, symbol
[e] legend, bell, raven, fortress

stadium, monument,
theatre, park, ? gallery, abbey, fortress

Слайд 5 Neznayka and his friends would like to visit

Neznayka and his friends would like to visit London and to

London and to see some sights
I would like to

visit ……….. in London.
My friend would like …………………………….

Westminster Abbey
The Thames River
The Houses of Par-liament
Big Ben
The Tower of London
Tower Bridge
The London Eye
The British Museum

Слайд 6 Key
……are the buildings where the British Parliament seats.

Key……are the buildings where the British Parliament seats.…….is one of the

one of the most famous clocks in the world.

the most well-known English church.
…….is the biggest museum in the world.
……is the most famous bridge in London.
…..is London ancient fortress.
You can see the view of London from…..
London stands on ……………..

Westminster Abbey

The Thames River

The Houses of Parliament

Big Ben

The Tower of London

Tower Bridge

The London Eye

The British Museum

Слайд 7 Make as much words combinations as you can

Make as much words combinations as you canAdjectives


stadium, monument


Слайд 8 Do you like to travel together? Let’s do

Do you like to travel together? Let’s do everything together!Clap, clap,

everything together!
Clap, clap, clap your hands,   Clap your hands

Sing, sing, sing a song,   Sing a song together.  
Wink, wink, wink your eyes,  Wink your eyes together.  
Dance, dance, dance a dance,   Dance a dance together.  
Spin, spin, spin around, Spin around together.
Ride, ride, ride your bikes, Ride your bikes together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands, shake your hands together.
March, march, quickly march, quickly march together.

Слайд 9 Neznayka and his friends would like to know

Neznayka and his friends would like to know about London sightsThey

about London sights
They have never been in Britain.
They want

to know about the most famous sightseeings of GB.

What do we know about London sights?

Could we help them? Why?
What should we do for this?
Read the text, find the information and fill in the table.

Слайд 10 Say True or False
Neznayka tryes to remember the

Say True or FalseNeznayka tryes to remember the information.Big Ben is

Big Ben is a big clock.
You can hear Westminster

Abbey every hour.
The Tower of London is famous for its long history.
Westminster Abbey is a well-known museum.
The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament.
The Tower of London is an old Zoo.

a) F b)F c)T d)F e)T f)F

Слайд 11 Homework: Ex.32 p.96 (to learn the story

Homework: Ex.32 p.96 (to learn the story about one of the

about one of the sights)
Make a short story about

any of London sights.
Ex.31 p.96
Try to learn your story at home and tell it next lesson.
You can make a small album about your favourite sightseeing.

Слайд 12 What didn’t we know at the beginning of

What didn’t we know at the beginning of the lesson?What have

the lesson?
What have we known on the lesson?
What have

we done on this lesson?
What do we have to know else?
What can we do on the following lessons?

Слайд 13 How have you worked on the lesson?
I did

How have you worked on the lesson?I did my best. 5It

my best. 5
It was hard for me. 3

can study better. 4

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angl-yaz-v-5-kl-obozrevaem-dostoprimechatelnosti-londona.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0