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Презентация на тему Пушкин на английском

. (b. June 6, N, 1799, Moscow, d. Feb. 10], 1837, St. Petersburg) Pushkin Alexandr
Язык - инструмент; едва ли не труднее он самой скрипки… Как . (b. June 6, N, 1799, Moscow, d. Feb. 10], 1837, St. Petersburg) Pushkin Alexandr I loved you, and that love, to die refusing, May still Winter MorningSnow, frost and sunshine… Lovely morning!Yet you, dear love, its magic A mellow glow like that of amberIllumes the room… ‘Tis good to We’ll give free rein to her, and lightly,The snow of morning gleaming Анчар(древо яда) Екатерина Керн,( которой Глинка посвятил романс) — дочь Анны Петровны Керн, музы Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,В душе моей угасла не
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 .
(b. June 6, N, 1799, Moscow,

. (b. June 6, N, 1799, Moscow, d. Feb. 10], 1837, St. Petersburg) Pushkin Alexandr

d. Feb. 10], 1837, St. Petersburg)
Pushkin Alexandr

Слайд 3 I loved you, and that love, to

I loved you, and that love, to die refusing, May

die refusing, May still - who knows! - be smouldering

in my breast Pray be not pained - believe me, of my choosing I'd never have you troubled or distressed. I loved you mutely, hopelessly and truly, With shy yet fervent tenderness aglow; Mine was a jealous passion and unruly... May God grant that another'll love you so!

I loved you

Слайд 4 Winter Morning
Snow, frost and sunshine… Lovely morning!
Yet you,

Winter MorningSnow, frost and sunshine… Lovely morning!Yet you, dear love, its

dear love, its magic scorning,
Are still abed… Awake, my

Cast sleep away, I beg, and, rising,
Yourself a northern star, the blazing
Aurora, northern beauty, meet.

Слайд 5 A mellow glow like that of amber
Illumes the

A mellow glow like that of amberIllumes the room… ‘Tis good

room… ‘Tis good to linger
Beside the gaily crackling stove,

think and dream… But let our honest
Brown mare without delay be harnessed
That we may take a sledge ride, love.

Слайд 6 We’ll give free rein to her, and lightly,

We’ll give free rein to her, and lightly,The snow of morning

snow of morning gleaming brightly,
Skim over it, and, full

of glee,
Cross empty fields and empty meadows,
A once green wood with trees like shadows,
A stream and bank long dear to me.

Слайд 7
(древо яда)

Анчар(древо яда)

Слайд 8 Екатерина Керн,( которой Глинка посвятил романс) — дочь

Екатерина Керн,( которой Глинка посвятил романс) — дочь Анны Петровны Керн,

Анны Петровны Керн, музы Пушкиной, навеявшей «чудное мгновение». Так

мать и дочь необыкновенным образом переплелись в творчестве двух великих русских художников

" Я помню Чудное Мгновенье"

  • Имя файла: pushkin-na-angliyskom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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