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Презентация на тему Recreational resources

Recreational resources Recreational resources — a collection of natural, technical, natural, socio-economic complexes and their elements, conducive to recovery and development of spiritual and physical powers of man, his ability to work.
Recreational resources Prepared by:Tamabaeva ZhuparZhangabay KarlygashYessenalieva Aruzhan Recreational resources Recreational resources — a collection of natural, technical, natural, socio-economic The most important part of the recreational potential are recreational resources, which Natural Socio-economicHistorical-cultural Recreational resources Natural resources There is a group of natural resources that direct involvement Philippine Sea Socio-economic resourcesProceed now to the study and assessment of socio-economic resources that The international airport of a name of John Kennedy in new York Historical-cultural resourcesIn the complex of recreational resources occupy a special place in The Temple Of Artemis
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Recreational resources
Recreational resources — a collection of

Recreational resources Recreational resources — a collection of natural, technical, natural,

natural, technical, natural, socio-economic complexes and their elements, conducive

to recovery and development of spiritual and physical powers of man, his ability to work.

Слайд 3 The most important part of the recreational potential

The most important part of the recreational potential are recreational resources,

are recreational resources, which are defined components of the

natural environment, objects of economic activities, with uniqueness, originality, aesthetic appeal, medicinal and recreational importance, which can be used to be used to organize various types and forms of recreational activities.

Слайд 4 Natural
Recreational resources

Natural Socio-economicHistorical-cultural Recreational resources

Слайд 5 Natural resources
There is a group of natural

Natural resources There is a group of natural resources that direct

resources that direct involvement in the recreation process is

not accepted, and provide the normal functioning of the recreation centres. Thus, under natural recreational resources you should understand natural and natural-technical geosystems, body and the phenomena of nature, which have the comfortable properties for recreational activities and can be used for organization of rest and improvement of a certain contingent of people for sometime

Слайд 6 Philippine Sea

Philippine Sea

Слайд 7 Socio-economic resources
Proceed now to the study and assessment

Socio-economic resourcesProceed now to the study and assessment of socio-economic resources

of socio-economic resources that are necessary for the rational

organization of any tourist site. Here the situation is much more complicated than the definition of natural, historical and cultural tourism resources. This is because many authors in different ways refers to socio-economic resources. We define socio-economic tourism resources as the objects and phenomena of human nature, necessary for the most effective and full utilization of the tourist resources and the development of the tourism industry in the country or region.

Слайд 8 The international airport of a name of John

The international airport of a name of John Kennedy in new York

Kennedy in new York

Слайд 9 Historical-cultural resources
In the complex of recreational resources occupy

Historical-cultural resourcesIn the complex of recreational resources occupy a special place

a special place in cultural and historical resources representing

the heritage of past epochs of social development. They serve as a prerequisite for the organization of cultural and educational types of recreation classes, optimize the recreational activities in General, doing quite a serious educational function. Formed by cultural and historical space objects to some extent determine the localization recreational flows and directions of excursion routes.

  • Имя файла: recreational-resources.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 158
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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