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Презентация на тему Russian Matryoshka

Russian matryoshka is the most popular Russian national souvenir. You can buy it at all fairs and festivals not only in our country but in different countries of the world too.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение Манычская СОШ №11 Russian Matryoshka Шконда Ольга Викторовна Russian matryoshka is the most popular Russian national souvenir. You can buy . It seems that the matryoshka has come to us from ancient The first Russian matryoshka was made in 1890in the Children’s Education workshopnear The end of the 19th century in Russia was a time of Why Russian matryoshka is the most popular national souvenir? In old Russia, the name Matryona or Matryosha was a popular female There are different types of matryoshka: the Sergiev Posad type, Semionovo type Sergiev Posad is a place where the first stacking doll was made Semionovo is a large, old center of wooden handicrafts.The first matryoshka was Why give a Matryoshka as a gift?Russian Matryoshkas show the spirit of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Russian matryoshka is the most popular Russian national

Russian matryoshka is the most popular Russian national souvenir. You can

souvenir. You can buy it at all fairs and

festivals not only in our country but in different countries of the world too.

Слайд 3
It seems that the matryoshka has come

. It seems that the matryoshka has come to us from

to us from ancient times from the world of

legends and fairy tales. Actually, this doll is about 100 years old.

Слайд 4 The first Russian matryoshka was made in 1890

The first Russian matryoshka was made in 1890in the Children’s Education

the Children’s Education workshop
near the Abramtsevo estate.
The owner was

Sava Mamontov
industrialist and a patron
of the arts.

Слайд 5

The end of the 19th century in Russia

The end of the 19th century in Russia was a time

was a time of
great economic and cultural development.

was one of the first patrons
who created a new Russian style.

Слайд 6
Why Russian matryoshka is the most popular national

Why Russian matryoshka is the most popular national souvenir?


Слайд 7

In old Russia, the name Matryona or Matryosha

In old Russia, the name Matryona or Matryosha was a popular

was a popular female name
among peasants. It has

a Latin root and means “ mother". This name is
associated with the image of a mother of a big family who was very healthy
and had a big figure.

Слайд 8
There are different types of matryoshka: the Sergiev

There are different types of matryoshka: the Sergiev Posad type, Semionovo

Posad type, Semionovo type and another.
Matryoshkas depict different characters

and classes: peasants, merchants and noblemen.

Слайд 9 Sergiev Posad is a place where the first

Sergiev Posad is a place where the first stacking doll was

stacking doll was made by the artist Sergei Maliutin.


dolls are disproportional but they are very expressive.

They are painted with gouach and have a varnish surface.

They portraye whole family with children.


Слайд 10 Semionovo is a large, old center of wooden

Semionovo is a large, old center of wooden handicrafts.The first matryoshka

handicrafts.The first matryoshka was made by Arsenty Mayorov. It

was more decorative and symbolic than the Sergiev Posad matryoshka.

An apron is considered to be
the main part of the
Semionovo painting.

This doll has a thin top widens
sharply into a thick bottom.

  • Имя файла: russian-matryoshka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0