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Презентация на тему Samara

Samara Выполнила Левчук А.А.Учитель английского языка ГС(К)ОУ школы-интерната №113 Riverport Old Samara Station Kurumoch Airport Building Control Kuibyshev Railway station Metallurg Christ The Savior Cathedral Catholic Church House named Kurlin Monument Combat prowess and labor during the Second World War Spaces Museum Philharmoic Hall Samara Gorky Drama Theatre Samara circus Monument of Glory Coat of arms and map of Samara Riverport The Embankment of the Volga Rook Leningradskaya Street
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Riverport


Слайд 4
Old Samara

Old Samara

Слайд 5 Station


Слайд 6 Kurumoch Airport

Kurumoch Airport

Слайд 7 Building Control Kuibyshev Railway station

Building Control Kuibyshev Railway station

Слайд 8 Metallurg


Слайд 9 Christ The Savior Cathedral

Christ The Savior Cathedral

Слайд 10 Catholic Church

Catholic Church

Слайд 11 House named Kurlin

House named Kurlin

Слайд 12 Monument Combat prowess and labor during the Second

Monument Combat prowess and labor during the Second World War

World War

Слайд 13 Spaces Museum

Spaces Museum

Слайд 14 Philharmoic Hall

Philharmoic Hall

Слайд 15 Samara Gorky Drama Theatre

Samara Gorky Drama Theatre

Слайд 16 Samara circus

Samara circus

Слайд 17 Monument of Glory

Monument of Glory

Слайд 18
Coat of arms and map of Samara

Coat of arms and map of Samara

Слайд 19 Riverport


Слайд 20 The Embankment of the Volga

The Embankment of the Volga

  • Имя файла: samara.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 0