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Презентация на тему Save the planet

Save the planet
1234567891011SEMEHCRHINOOVERHGNITNUHREVOTIBATADWORCYEGNIGOLOCHNEERGCAMESUOWAELITTNRAEPGREEOECTULLPNOISave the planet Save the planet Our planet is in troubleIt gets worse every dayWe have to help Save the planetProtect the planetEarth SOSMother EarthBe clean, be greenWildlifeOur planet, our home Problems we are working at... 1234 1.  The greenhouse effect.2.  Holes in the ozone layer.3.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Save the planet

Save the planet

Слайд 3 Our planet is in trouble
It gets worse every

Our planet is in troubleIt gets worse every dayWe have to

We have to help our planet
In every possible way.

Слайд 4 Save the planet
Protect the planet
Earth SOS
Mother Earth
Be clean,

Save the planetProtect the planetEarth SOSMother EarthBe clean, be greenWildlifeOur planet, our home

be green
Our planet, our home

Слайд 5 Problems we are working at...

Problems we are working at... 1234

Слайд 6 1. The greenhouse effect.
2. Holes in

1. The greenhouse effect.2. Holes in the ozone layer.3. Acid rain.4.

the ozone layer.
3. Acid rain.
4. Global warming.

The distruction of habitats.
6. To lead to serious flooding.
7. To turn the land into desert.
8. To threaten wildlife.
9. To cut down rainforests.
10. To use the land to grow crops.
11. Ultraviolet light from the sun.

  • Имя файла: save-the-planet.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 197
  • Количество скачиваний: 0