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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Westminster

Westminster Westminster is the political center of London. It is that part of London where there are a lot of offices and political buildings.Map Guided Tour click to enlarge1 2
WestminsterПрезентация к уроку 5 класса по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой Westminster Westminster is the political center of London. It is that part back to Westminster Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Thames 10 Downing Street back to Westminster The View From The Eye back to Westminster Big Ben Houses of Parliament Whitehall Parliament Square back to Westminster 10 Downing Street If you go down Whitehall from Trafalgar Square on Westminster Abbey History Westminster Abbey is on the other side of Parliament History The legend says that Westminster Abbey was founded (было основано) by Poet's Corner back to Westminster Abbey Some English famous people are buried back to Poet's Corner back to Westminster Abbey The Abbey with its two tall towers are really wonderful. The Thames The river Thames is the second largest river in Great click to enlargeback to the Thames back to the Thames back to the Thames click to enlargeclick to enlargeclick to enlargeclick to back to Pictures back to Pictures back to Pictures back to Pictures back to Pictures back to Pictures back to Pictures back to Pictures Buckingham Palace The Queen of England Elizabeth the Second lives in Buckingham Central Balcony You can see the Queen and the Royal family on Royal Garden back to Buckingham Palace There is the Royal Garden around back to Royal Garden back to Royal Garden Garden Parties Every summer the Queen invites thousands of guests to her back to Garden Parties Queen's Gallery There is the Queen’s Gallery in Buckingham Palace. You can Rooms There are six hundred rooms in the Palace.The Grand Ballroom back The Music Room The White Drawing Room The Throne Room back to Rooms more pictures back to Rooms The Grand Stairs Changing the Guard back to Buckingham Palace The Guard Change takes place Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament is on the left of back to the Houses of Parliament back to the Houses of Parliament back to Guided Tour Big Ben People often think that Big Ben Parliament Square Parliament Square is rather big. Whitehall leads to it. On back to Parliament Square Whitehall Whitehall is a wide street leading from Trafalgar Square to Parliament The end of Whitehall. This is the site of the first traffic
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Westminster
Westminster is the political center of London.

Westminster Westminster is the political center of London. It is that

It is that part of London where there are

a lot of offices and political buildings.


Guided Tour

click to enlarge



Слайд 3
back to Westminster

back to Westminster

Слайд 4 Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
The Thames
10 Downing

Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Thames 10 Downing Street back to Westminster

back to Westminster

Слайд 5 The View From The Eye
back to Westminster

The View From The Eye back to Westminster

Слайд 6 Big Ben
Houses of Parliament
Parliament Square

Big Ben Houses of Parliament Whitehall Parliament Square back to Westminster

back to Westminster

Слайд 7 10 Downing Street

If you go down Whitehall

10 Downing Street If you go down Whitehall from Trafalgar Square

from Trafalgar Square on the right you will see

a small street where the British Prime Minister lives. He lives at number 10 Downing Street.

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Слайд 8 Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is on the

Westminster Abbey History Westminster Abbey is on the other side of

other side of Parliament Square. It’s a symbol of

England. Westminster Abbey is very old – more than nine hundred years old. The coronation of all British kings and queens takes place in it. Many English kings and queens are buried here.

Poet's Corner

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Слайд 9 History
The legend says that Westminster Abbey was

History The legend says that Westminster Abbey was founded (было основано)

founded (было основано) by St Peter himself. We know

that Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward in 1065.

back to Westminster Abbey

King Edward

St Peter

Слайд 10 Poet's Corner
back to Westminster Abbey
Some English

Poet's Corner back to Westminster Abbey Some English famous people are

famous people are buried in Westminster Abbey. There is

Poet’s Corner in the Abbey. Many great writers are buried there. For example, Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling.

click to enlarge

Rudyard Kipling

Charles Dickens

Слайд 11 back to Poet's Corner

back to Poet's Corner

Слайд 12 back to Westminster Abbey
The Abbey with its

back to Westminster Abbey The Abbey with its two tall towers are really wonderful.

two tall towers are really wonderful.

Слайд 13 The Thames
The river Thames is the second

The Thames The river Thames is the second largest river in

largest river in Great Britain. Its 346 kilometers long.

The Thames has always been the part of London’s history. In Roman times Londinium was a small town with the river Thames in the middle. Nowadays London is a large city but the Thames is still in its center. There are more than twenty bridges over the Thames.



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Слайд 14 click to enlarge
back to the Thames

click to enlargeback to the Thames

Слайд 15
back to the Thames

back to the Thames

Слайд 16 back to the Thames
click to enlarge
click to

back to the Thames click to enlargeclick to enlargeclick to enlargeclick

click to enlarge
click to enlarge
click to enlarge
click to enlarge

to enlarge

click to enlarge

Слайд 17 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 18 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 19 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 20 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 21 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 22 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 23 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 24 back to Pictures

back to Pictures

Слайд 25 Buckingham Palace
The Queen of England Elizabeth the

Buckingham Palace The Queen of England Elizabeth the Second lives in

Second lives in Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful

building with a monument in front of it. It is the Queen Victoria Memorial.

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Central Balcony


Changing the Guard

Queen's Gallery

Garden Parties

Слайд 26 Central Balcony

You can see the Queen and

Central Balcony You can see the Queen and the Royal family

the Royal family on the Central Balcony on very

important days – weddings, coronations, Queen’s official birthday.

back to Buckingham Palace

Слайд 27 Royal Garden
back to Buckingham Palace
There is

Royal Garden back to Buckingham Palace There is the Royal Garden

the Royal Garden around the Palace with lots of

trees and flowerbeds. You can find a lake with pink flamingos in it.

click to enlarge


Слайд 28 back to Royal Garden

back to Royal Garden

Слайд 29 back to Royal Garden

back to Royal Garden

Слайд 30 Garden Parties
Every summer the Queen invites thousands

Garden Parties Every summer the Queen invites thousands of guests to

of guests to her Garden Party.
click to enlarge
back to

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 31 back to Garden Parties

back to Garden Parties

Слайд 32 Queen's Gallery
There is the Queen’s Gallery in

Queen's Gallery There is the Queen’s Gallery in Buckingham Palace. You

Buckingham Palace. You can see pictures, portraits of the

members of the Royal family and the royal furniture.

back to Buckingham Palace

Слайд 33 Rooms
There are six hundred rooms in the

Rooms There are six hundred rooms in the Palace.The Grand Ballroom

The Grand Ballroom
back to Buckingham Palace
more pictures

Слайд 34 The Music Room
The White Drawing Room

The Music Room The White Drawing Room The Throne Room back to Rooms more pictures

Throne Room
back to Rooms
more pictures

Слайд 35 back to Rooms
The Grand Stairs

back to Rooms The Grand Stairs

Слайд 36 Changing the Guard
back to Buckingham Palace

Changing the Guard back to Buckingham Palace The Guard Change takes

Guard Change takes place (happens) at 11:30 every day.

Слайд 37 Houses of Parliament
The Houses of Parliament is

Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament is on the left

on the left of Parliament Square. It is a

long grey building with towers. The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament. They are the voice of the British people.

more pictures

click to enlarge

back to Guided Tour

Слайд 38 back to the Houses of Parliament

back to the Houses of Parliament

Слайд 39 back to the Houses of Parliament

back to the Houses of Parliament

Слайд 40 back to Guided Tour
Big Ben
People often

back to Guided Tour Big Ben People often think that Big

think that Big Ben is a tower. It’s not

right. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man, whose nickname was Big Ben.

Слайд 41 Parliament Square
Parliament Square is rather big. Whitehall

Parliament Square Parliament Square is rather big. Whitehall leads to it.

leads to it. On the right of the square

there is Westminster Abbey, on the left of it you can see the Houses of Parliament.

more pictures

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Слайд 42 back to Parliament Square

back to Parliament Square

Слайд 43 Whitehall
Whitehall is a wide street leading from

Whitehall Whitehall is a wide street leading from Trafalgar Square to

Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square.
more pictures
back to

Guided Tour

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-westminster.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 181
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