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Презентация на тему Say and Tell

Although Say and Tell both mean to communicate orally with someone, they are used in a different way. We say something. (No personal object)We “Tell” someone something. (Personal object)I didn’t say anything!I’m going to tell you
Say or Tell? Although Say and Tell both mean to communicate orally with someone, they “Use Say”We can use say with direct questions.If we want to put Expressions where “say” is used:Say helloSay goodbyeSay thanksSay yesSay noSay a prayer “Use of Tell” To give orders or advice.    Tell + object  To give or ask for information. Could you tell me how to go downtown? Expressions where “tell” is used:tell (someone) a story tell (someone) a lie
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Although Say and Tell both mean to communicate

Although Say and Tell both mean to communicate orally with someone,

orally with someone, they are used in a different

We say something. (No personal object)
We “Tell” someone something. (Personal object)

I didn’t say anything!

I’m going to tell you a secret

Слайд 3 “Use Say”
We can use say with direct questions.


“Use Say”We can use say with direct questions.If we want to

we want to put a personal object after “say”,

we have to use the word “to”.

Amy said: “Do you want to come to my house?

Bob said to me that he wanted to go to the party!

Слайд 4
Expressions where “say” is used:
Say hello
Say goodbye
Say thanks

Expressions where “say” is used:Say helloSay goodbyeSay thanksSay yesSay noSay a prayer

Say no
Say a prayer

Слайд 5 “Use of Tell” 
To give orders or advice.

“Use of Tell” To give orders or advice.   Tell + object

Tell + object + infinitive


The teacher told me

to study for my test.

My mom told me I shouldn’t eat junk food.

Слайд 6
 To give or ask for information.

Could you

 To give or ask for information. Could you tell me how to go downtown?

tell me how to go downtown?

  • Имя файла: say-and-tell.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 121
  • Количество скачиваний: 1