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Презентация на тему Soap and soap powder

«Oh, you nasty, Oh, you dirty, Unwashed pig! You аre blacker than chimney-sweep,Look at yourself :You’ve got shoe polish on neck,You’ve got blot under your nose, You’ve got such hands,That escaped even the pants, Even the
Soap and soap powder. «Oh, you nasty, Oh, you dirty, Unwashed pig! You аre blacker than Liquid or solid product, containing surfactants, in conjunction with the water used What kinds of stains are on clothing? stains - пятна When did The first SMS has appeared only in 1916. The invention of the Not the last in the list of household detergents take. Wash - separation of mud particles from the surface being cleaned, transfer of water-insoluble «Long live the scented soap ,And the fluffy towel,And the washing powder
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «Oh, you nasty, Oh, you dirty,
Unwashed pig!

«Oh, you nasty, Oh, you dirty, Unwashed pig! You аre blacker

You аre blacker than chimney-sweep,
Look at yourself :
You’ve got

shoe polish on neck,
You’ve got blot under your nose,
You’ve got such hands,
That escaped even the pants,
Even the pants, even pants
Run away from you …»

Слайд 3 Liquid or solid product, containing surfactants, in conjunction

Liquid or solid product, containing surfactants, in conjunction with the water

with the water used either as a cosmetic -

for cleansing and skin care products (soap), or as household chemicals - detergent (laundry soap).
surfactants - поверхностно-активные вещества
liquid - жидкость
solid - твердый
conjunction - совместный
detergent - моющее средство
laundry - прачечная


Слайд 4 What kinds of stains are on clothing?


What kinds of stains are on clothing? stains - пятна When

- пятна

When did people start to use soap?

Слайд 5 The first SMS has appeared only in 1916.

The first SMS has appeared only in 1916. The invention of

The invention of the German chemist Fritz punter was

meant only for industrial use. Domestic SMS issued since 1935, when they become less harmful to the skin.

The concept of synthetic detergents and washing process.

Since then, developed a series of SMS narrow purpose, and their production - is a major branch of the chemical industry.

Слайд 7 Not the last in the list of household

Not the last in the list of household detergents take. Wash

detergents take.
Wash - the most time-consuming process in

our everyday life. But aides in the wash are surface-active agents (surfactants).

Слайд 8 separation of mud particles from the surface being

separation of mud particles from the surface being cleaned, transfer of

transfer of water-insoluble mud particles in the solution,

retention of these floating
particles in the detergent solution,
i.e. prevent resorption.

The cleaning process was to ensure the 3 stages:

  • Имя файла: soap-and-soap-powder.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 120
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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