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Презентация на тему Social media in our life

What is social media? Web-sites that users can easily participate in, shareand create content for, including blogs, socialnetworks, wikis, forums and virtual worlds.At this time, there are basically six kinds of social media.
Social media  in our life What is social media? Web-sites that users can easily participate in, shareand Basic forms of social media Social networkssites that allow people to build BlogsA blog is a website in which items are posted on a Wikisthese websites allow people to add content to or edit the information Podcastsaudio and video files that are available by subscription, through services like Forumsareas for online discussion, often around specific topics and interests. Forums cameabout Content communitiescommunities which organize and share particular kinds of content. The most Microblogging social networking combined with bite-sized blogging, where small amounts of content so how big adeal is socialmedia?Very big indeed.As of 16 February 2011, How social networks workSocial networks on the web are like contained versions MySpace allows members to create vivid, chaotic home pages to which they Back to the future
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Слайд 2 What is social media?

Web-sites that users can easily

What is social media? Web-sites that users can easily participate in,

participate in, share
and create content for, including blogs, social

wikis, forums and virtual worlds.

At this time, there are basically six kinds of social media.

Слайд 3 Basic forms of social media

Social networks
sites that allow

Basic forms of social media Social networkssites that allow people to

people to build personal web pages and then connect

with friends to share content and communication.
The biggest social networks are
MySpace, Facebook and Bebo.

Слайд 5 Blogs
A blog is a website in which items

BlogsA blog is a website in which items are posted on

are posted on a regular basis and displayed in

reverse chronological order.
Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

Слайд 6 Wikis
these websites allow people to add content to

Wikisthese websites allow people to add content to or edit the

or edit the information on them, acting
as a communal

document or database. The best-known wiki is Wikipedia4, free
online encyclopedia which has over 3 million English language articles.

Слайд 7 Podcasts
audio and video files that are available by

Podcastsaudio and video files that are available by subscription, through services

subscription, through services like Apple
iTunes. With podcasts you can

stay current on the news, get a glimpse into someone’s life, listen to move reviews and the list goes on.

Слайд 8 Forums
areas for online discussion, often around specific topics

Forumsareas for online discussion, often around specific topics and interests. Forums

and interests. Forums came
about before the term “social media”

and are a powerful and popular element of
online communities.

Слайд 9 Content communities
communities which organize and share particular kinds

Content communitiescommunities which organize and share particular kinds of content. The

of content. The most popular content communities tend to

form around photos (Flickr), bookmarked links (del.icio.us) and videos (YouTube).

Слайд 10 Microblogging social networking combined with bite-sized blogging, where

Microblogging social networking combined with bite-sized blogging, where small amounts of

small amounts of content (‘updates’) are distributed online and

through the mobile phone network. Twitter is the clear leader in this field.

Слайд 11 so how big a
deal is social
Very big indeed.

so how big adeal is socialmedia?Very big indeed.As of 16 February

of 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public

blogs in existence

We spend around 2.9 billion hours on YouTube in a month — over 325,000 years.

There are more than 800 million active users
on social network Facebook.

Слайд 12 How social networks work
Social networks on the web

How social networks workSocial networks on the web are like contained

are like contained versions of the sprawling blog network.

People joining a social network usually to create a profile and then build a network by connecting to friends and contacts in the network, or by inviting real-world contacts and friends to join the social network.

Слайд 13 MySpace allows members to create vivid, chaotic home

MySpace allows members to create vivid, chaotic home pages to which

pages to which they can upload images, videos and

music. It has built a lot of its popularity around its music services. There are said to
be over three million bands and musicians registered on it, trying to attract a fan base from the 200 million registered accounts.

Facebook allow anyone to develop applications and run them on Facebook - without charging them. Facebook users able to play each other at Scrabble and Chess, compare each others’ tastes and send ‘virtual gifts’, among any number of new ideas vying for attention.

VKontakte is a Russian social network service popular in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. VK offers a striking similarity in design and functionality to its US rival Facebook, and as such has been described as a "Facebook clone“. Like Facebook, VK allows users to message contacts publicly or privately, create groups and events, share and tag images and video, and play browser-based games.

  • Имя файла: social-media-in-our-life.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0