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Презентация на тему Solving Problems

In Company, Intermediate
Solving Problems In Company, Intermediate Problem Solving There is a Japanese expression:None of us is as smart ProblemFor example:In what ways, big or small, could thiscompany save money?Write your SolvingThe first suggestion the company got was ajoke really, but it won ProblemThe owner of a Mexican restaurant in SanFrancisco faced a dilemma. She SolvingAfter many expensive and unsuccessful attempts topromote the restaurant with posters and Framework for Problem Solving   The following four phases can be Understanding the Problem If you do not understand the problem, you can Devising a Solution Plan Where to start ? What can I do Keep in mind that your first try maynot work. But don't get Good Luck!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

In Company,

In Company, Intermediate

Слайд 3 Problem Solving
There is a Japanese expression:
None of

Problem Solving There is a Japanese expression:None of us is as

us is as smart as all of us.

Following this

idea, one American company
regularly posts questions on a bulletin board
and invites its staff to brainstorm suggestions.

Слайд 4 Problem
For example:

In what ways, big or small, could

ProblemFor example:In what ways, big or small, could thiscompany save money?Write

company save money?
Write your suggestions below. $100 bonus for

suggestions we adopt.

Слайд 5 Solving
The first suggestion the company got was a

SolvingThe first suggestion the company got was ajoke really, but it

really, but it won the $100 bonus.

The suggestion

was that the bonus be reduced
to $50.

Слайд 6 Problem
The owner of a Mexican restaurant in San

ProblemThe owner of a Mexican restaurant in SanFrancisco faced a dilemma.

faced a dilemma. She wanted to
advertise but could not

afford to pay for space
in the local newspaper or for airtime on the
local radio station

Слайд 7 Solving
After many expensive and unsuccessful attempts to
promote the

SolvingAfter many expensive and unsuccessful attempts topromote the restaurant with posters

restaurant with posters and T-shirts, the
owner, Martha Sanchez, finally

came up with a
winner. She offered free lunches for life to anyone
who agreed to have the name and logo of the
restaurant tattooed on a visible part of their bodies.
To date, 50 people have become walking

Слайд 8 Framework for Problem Solving
The following four phases

Framework for Problem Solving  The following four phases can be

can be identified in the
process of solving problems:


the problem
Making a plan of solution
Carrying out the plan
Looking back i.e. verifying

Слайд 9 Understanding the Problem
If you do not understand

Understanding the Problem If you do not understand the problem, you

the problem, you can never solve it

If you

really understand the problem, you can see a solution

Be careful about hidden assumptions, data and conditions.

Consult definitions for unfamiliar (often even familiar)

Construct one or two simple example to illustrate what the
problem says.

Слайд 10 Devising a Solution Plan
Where to start ?

Devising a Solution Plan Where to start ? What can I

What can I do ?
Find facts that are

related to the problem at
hand. Relevant facts usually involve words
that are the same as or similar to those in the
given problem. It is also a good idea to try to
recall previously solved similar problems.
What should I look for ?

Слайд 11 Keep in mind that your first try may

Keep in mind that your first try maynot work. But don't

work. But don't get discouraged.
If one approach doesn't work,


  • Имя файла: solving-problems.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0