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Презентация на тему Some of the Beautiful beaches in the world / Самые красивые пляжи мира

ThemesThe purpose of research: to define how much effectively state of general welfareBenefitsMedical InsurancePayments to elderly peopleHypothesisThe Conclusion
Theme of research:      ThemesThe purpose of research: to define how much effectively state of general The purpose of research: to define how much effectively state of BenefitsPeople in full-time  work whose earnings are below a certain level can Medical InsuranceAn emergency case must be quick and available from unemployed and Payments to elderly peopleThe elderly people paid a pension and different benefits. HypothesisWelfare State must be effective! Everybody is to  have proper health care The ConclusionThe welfare state system provides the elderly with an income that
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Themes
The purpose of research: to define how much

ThemesThe purpose of research: to define how much effectively state of

effectively state of general welfare
Medical Insurance
Payments to elderly people


Слайд 3 The purpose of research: to define how much

The purpose of research: to define how much effectively state

effectively state of general welfare
In our opinion Ideal Welfare

State must be available for everybody. If people work they must pay contribution, also must pay the employer and the Government. benefits are available to the unemployed, the sick, the retired and disabled. Every child is entitled to a child allowance, besides the income of his parent's may he. Pensioners must pay a high pension, sick must pay benefits from medicine. Women must get a pension at the age of 55, and men at 60.

Слайд 4 Benefits
People in full-time  work whose earnings are below

BenefitsPeople in full-time  work whose earnings are below a certain level

a certain level can claim benefits, too Women who leave

work to have a children have right get maternity allowance from the Government. Widows can get payments for their husband who died.

Слайд 5 Medical Insurance
An emergency case must be quick and

Medical InsuranceAn emergency case must be quick and available from unemployed

available from unemployed and needy. Medical insurance is organized by

the Government and is compulsory. System of medical care must work well.

Слайд 6 Payments to elderly people
The elderly people paid a

Payments to elderly peopleThe elderly people paid a pension and different

pension and different benefits. And every years Government must be

fee travel from pensioners. Welfare State don't have a poor because everybody to receive or his dole money or his child benefits.

Слайд 7 Hypothesis
Welfare State must be effective! Everybody is to  have

HypothesisWelfare State must be effective! Everybody is to  have proper health

proper health care and education regardless of their income. The

welfare state helps the disabled, people who are unable to work to earn money or their own. Everybody is to have proper health care and education regardless their income

  • Имя файла: some-of-the-beautiful-beaches-in-the-world-samye-krasivye-plyazhi-mira.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 136
  • Количество скачиваний: 0