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Презентация на тему Summer

It is summer.
Summer It is summer. Summer months are Days are long,      nights are short. The weather is warm or hot. The sun shines brightly in a blue sky. Nature is active and gay. Trees are green, flowers bloom. The trees are green, flowers bloom. Sometimes it rains. Summer is the time of haymaking. There are a lot of insects in summer. Children have got holidays in summer. They have a good time at the camp, in the village or at the sea. Summer is a nice season.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 5 It is summer.

It is summer.

Слайд 6 Summer months are

Summer months are

Слайд 7 Days are long,

Days are long,   nights are short.

nights are short.

Слайд 8 The weather is warm or hot.

The weather is warm or hot.

Слайд 9 The sun shines brightly in a blue sky.

The sun shines brightly in a blue sky.

Слайд 10 Nature is active and gay.

Nature is active and gay.

Слайд 11 Trees are green, flowers bloom.
The trees are green,

Trees are green, flowers bloom. The trees are green, flowers bloom.

flowers bloom.

Слайд 12 Sometimes it rains.

Sometimes it rains.

Слайд 13 Summer is the time of haymaking.

Summer is the time of haymaking.

Слайд 14 There are a lot of insects in summer.

There are a lot of insects in summer.

Слайд 15 Children have got holidays in summer.

Children have got holidays in summer.

Слайд 16 They have a good time at the camp, in

They have a good time at the camp, in the village or at the sea.

the village or at the sea.

  • Имя файла: summer.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 0