a common case or a pronoun in the objective
case and the Infinitive.Это конструкция, состоящая из существительного в общем падеже (noun in a common case) или местоимения в объектном падеже (pronoun in an objective case) и инфинитива.
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Infinitive without «to»
Examples: They were made to stop fighting – Их заставили прекратить драку
My brother was allowed to choose a new pet – Моему брату разрешили выбрать нового питомца
Means that the action, expressed by the predicate + 3rd participle, is done by somebody else by the request or order of acting person (subject).
обозначает, что действие, выраженное глаголом сказуемым + причастие прошедшего времени (V3), совершает не само лицо, а кто-то другой по просьбе или приказу действующего лица.
I saw you ... in the park. Everybody liked it!
a) to dance
b) to dancing
c) dance
Mr. Smith saw her friends ... the classroom.
a) to leave
b) leaving
c) leave
His mum wants him ... his homework.
a) to do
b) doing
c) do
Shh! I hear someone ... .
a) to cry
b) crying
c) cry
He can’t make me ... this!
a) to do
b) doing
c) do