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Презентация на тему The fall of a genuine dream in the American society of 1920s

Everybody has its own dream. One who has an irresistible and honest desire to fulfill or obtain something is worth being respected. Having a dream is only one side of a coin. The
The fall of a genuine dream in the American society of 1920sPROJECT Everybody has its own dream. One who has an The aim of the research: to determine whether it is possible to A brief historical review of the American society of 1920s  «Roaring Gatsby’s genuine and unattainable dreamA young, mysterious millionaire, later revealed to be The cover of the book  The original cover of the book Major symbols and colorsThe eyes of Doctor T.J. EckleburgThe embodiment of God’s The conclusion«Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year
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Слайд 2 Everybody has its own dream.

Everybody has its own dream. One who has an

One who has an irresistible and honest desire to

fulfill or obtain something is worth being respected. Having a dream is only one side of a coin. The reverse of it is how to realize it. Do all means suit in this case?

Can a genuine dream come true in the society of low morality?


Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The best way to solve this intricate issue is to find an appropriate sample in history and culture. An outstanding writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald created what afterwards became an immortal masterpiece «The Great Gatsby».

Слайд 3 The aim of the research:

to determine whether

The aim of the research: to determine whether it is possible

it is possible to realize a genuine dream in

the American society of 1920s on the basis of the novel «The Great Gatsby».

The objectives of the research:

to give a brief historical review of the American society of 1920s;
to consider the main character traits of the novel from the moral point of view;
to depict the title and the original cover of the book «The Great Gatsby»;
to describe the major symbols and stylistic devices in the novel that reflect the contradictoriness of human feelings in the novel;
to reveal the impossibility of Gatsby’s dream in the American society of 1920s;
to show the meaning of Gatsby’s end of the dream and draw a conclusion.

Слайд 4 A brief historical review of the American society

A brief historical review of the American society of 1920s «Roaring

of 1920s
«Roaring Twenties» are characterized by radical

modernization and a break with traditional values. Illegal «hooch» gave organized crime a «shot in the arm».
Meanwhile the country in 1920s was full of jazz-bands, black musicians played in night bars, casinos.
The spirit, excitement and violence of the era Fitzgerald named «the Jazz Age». The tragedy of this period of time is depicted in the novel «The Great Gatsby», where luxury and festivity go hand in hand with elusive future, low morality and despair.

Слайд 5 Gatsby’s genuine and unattainable dream
A young, mysterious millionaire,

Gatsby’s genuine and unattainable dreamA young, mysterious millionaire, later revealed to

later revealed to be a bootlegger, Jay Gatsby spent

his life acquiring wealth in hope for returning the past — the love of his lost sweet heart.
He obtained a great mansion, a gorgeous car and outfits, held pompous parties to draw her attention. His attempt to accomplish his dream with cars and shirts could not have been successful. Money is not the major factor towards happiness in this world.

Слайд 6 The cover of the book
The original

The cover of the book The original cover of the book

cover of the book created by Francis Cugat is

among the most celebrated pieces of jacket art. There is a figure of woman’s face, which is placed above the amusement park. It has no nose but it has beautiful lips and glassy eyes from which flows a tear. The face may belong to Daisy as her inner world is constantly struggling against her principles and outer circumstances .

The cover presented by Tamara de Lempicka depicts a woman with golden hair and scarlet lips wearing a green dress, white gloves and a hat. This young lady seems to be Daisy. Golden color of her hair may refer to the luxurious life; the green one reflects Gatsby’s unattainable dream and hope. Daisy shelters her face with a snowy hat as if showing its former pure inner world.

Слайд 7 Major symbols and colors
The eyes of Doctor T.J.

Major symbols and colorsThe eyes of Doctor T.J. EckleburgThe embodiment of

The embodiment of God’s judgment of the American society

as a moral wasteland

The Valley of Ashes

The moral and social decay, the state of the poor


hope, cheerful future

Grey and ashen

lifelessness and barrenness


romantic sides of Gatsby’s dream


purity, hope and faith in the cheerful future



Daisy’s voice

Moneyed society to which Daisy belongs

Heat and rain

Controversy states of people’s emotions: tensions vs. sadness and relief

  • Имя файла: the-fall-of-a-genuine-dream-in-the-american-society-of-1920s.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 121
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