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Презентация на тему The fight against terrorism in the United Kingdom

Terrorism in the United Kingdom poses a significant threat to the state. There have been various causes of terrorism in the UK. Before the 2000s, most attacks were linked to the Northern Ireland conflict (the Troubles).
The fight against terrorism in the United Kingdom Terrorism in the United Kingdom poses a significant threat to the state. IDENTITY OF TERRORISTS IN THE UKA The threat level to the United Kingdom from international terrorism is currently Threat level history The British system of combating terrorismIn recent years, the UK National Security The following state agencies are responsible for the prevention of terrorist attacks:The MI6 reconnaissance and GCHQ(Government Communications Headquarters) service of radio interception within its On July 1, 2005, the British government in London carried out new carrying out a communications capabilities development programme, which will give us the The purpose of Pursue is to stop terrorist attacks in country and responds to the ideological challenge it faces from terrorism and aspects of Protect aims to strengthen our protection against terrorist attacks in the UK Prepare aims to mitigate the impact of a terrorist incident where it UK Legislation against Terrorism The development of criminal legislation on combating terrorism in the UK, which Before the adoption of the Terrorism Act in 2000 (in effect as      The English legislator in the procedural field is ready to go on     The Law of 2000 stipulates that, its main provisions will continue to The Law on Counteracting Terrorism, Crime and Security was adopted in December There have been various motives behind terrorism in Great Britain. During the 20th century, most Terrorist incidents map of the United Kingdom 1970-2015. Northern Ireland and London 2017, 22 March: 2017 Westminster attack – Khalid Masood, a 52-year-old British man, born 2017, 3 June: June 2017 London Bridge attack – Less than two weeks after Between 2000 and 2017, 126 people have been killed in the UK in International cooperation in the fight against terrorism In the presence of Prime  Joint French-British action plan on Internet securityThe 4 agreed priorities include:improving methods As leaders of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), Facebook,
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Слайд 2 Terrorism in the United Kingdom poses a significant

Terrorism in the United Kingdom poses a significant threat to the

threat to the state. There have been various causes

of terrorism in the UK. Before the 2000s, most attacks were linked to the Northern Ireland conflict (the Troubles). In the late 20th century there were also attacks by Middle Eastern terrorist groups, most of which were linked to the Arab–Israeli conflict. Since the 2000s, most terrorist incidents in Britain have been linked to Islamic extremism.

Since 1970, there have been at least 3,395 terrorist-related deaths in the UK, the highest in western Europe. The vast majority of the deaths were linked to the Northern Ireland conflict and happened in Northern Ireland.

The problem of terrorism in the UK

A "restricted" 12


June 2008 MI5 analysis of "several hundred individuals known

to be involved in, or closely associated with, violent extremist activity" concludes that British terrorists "are a diverse collection of individuals, fitting no single demographic profile, nor do they all follow a typical pathway to violent extremism".
Around half were born in the UK, the majority are British nationals and the remainder, with a few exceptions, are here legally. Most UK terrorists are male, but women are often aware of their husbands', brothers' or sons' activities. While the majority are in their early to mid-20s when they become radicalised, a small but not insignificant minority first become involved in violent extremism at over the age of 30. Those involved in British terrorism have educational achievement ranging from total lack of qualifications to degree-level education. However, they are almost all employed in low-grade jobs.

Слайд 4 The threat level to the United Kingdom from

The threat level to the United Kingdom from international terrorism is

international terrorism is currently ‘Severe’. This means that a

terrorist 'attack is highly likely'.

The threat to Great Britain from Northern Irish terrorism is ‘Moderate’. This means that an attack is possible but not likely.

Current threat level

The level is set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre and the Security Service (MI5).

Threat levels don’t have an expiry date. They can change at any time as different information becomes available to security agents.

Слайд 5 Threat level history

Threat level history

Слайд 6 The British system of combating terrorism
In recent years,

The British system of combating terrorismIn recent years, the UK National

the UK National Security Committee has been established with

the participation of heads of institutions and armed forces, as well as a national security forum with the function of attracting the best external experts. It was not only the national police system that was restructured, but regional, which involved not only police, security services, intelligence officers and armed forces, but also emergency rescue services, local councils, enterprises and public groups involved in the implementation of civilian planning in the event of unforeseen of cases.

Слайд 7 The following state agencies are responsible for the

The following state agencies are responsible for the prevention of terrorist

prevention of terrorist attacks:
The Home Office (MIA) - bears

the primary responsibility for the prevention of terrorist attacks;
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (MFA) - is responsible for combating the terrorist threat outside the country;
Counterintelligence MI5 - in the spring of 1992, after a wave of terrorist attacks in London, MI5 seized the police from the main role in the fight against terrorism. Soon the service was established anti-terror unit - T Branch, in June 2003, the Joint Terrorism Analysis Center (JTAC) was formed, which is responsible for sharing intelligence about terrorists with special services of other countries;

Слайд 8 MI6 reconnaissance and GCHQ(Government Communications Headquarters) service of

MI6 reconnaissance and GCHQ(Government Communications Headquarters) service of radio interception within

radio interception within its competence;
Special divisions like the Metropolitan

Police Special Branch, as well as the Metropolitan Police Anti-Terrorist Branch, known as SO13, which is responsible for preventing terrorist attacks on the territory of London;
Brigade for suppressing the financing of terrorism, established in November 2001 under the National Criminal Intelligence Service.

Слайд 9 On July 1, 2005, the British government in

On July 1, 2005, the British government in London carried out

London carried out new strategies to prevent terrorist attacks

on land and air transport. Security measures at airports were tightened.
In the subway, passenger checks have increased. New "smart" surveillance cameras were tested, which alerted subway workers with an alarm signal, if the passenger left his things or objects unattended. The government also introduced additional measures to protect citizens, starting the formation of an "army of informers" (on a voluntary basis), in case of emergency situations.

Слайд 10 carrying out a communications capabilities development programme, which

carrying out a communications capabilities development programme, which will give us

will give us the ability to continue to protect

the public in the future, as internet-based communications become increasingly widespread
using science and technology to counter the threat from terrorism
supporting the UK security industry to export their products and expertise to other countries hosting major international events
working with the Northern Ireland Office and the relevant authorities in Northern Ireland to help counter the severe threat from terrorism in Northern Ireland


Слайд 14 The purpose of Pursue is to stop terrorist

The purpose of Pursue is to stop terrorist attacks in country

attacks in country and against interests overseas. This means

detecting and investigating threats at the earliest stage, disrupting terrorist activity before it can endanger the public and, wherever possible, prosecuting those responsible.


Слайд 15 responds to the ideological challenge it faces from

responds to the ideological challenge it faces from terrorism and aspects

terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat it

faces from those who promote these views
provides practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support
works with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health) where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to deal with
The strategy covers all forms of terrorism, including far right extremism and some aspects of non-violent extremism. However, we prioritise our work according to the risks we face.


Слайд 16 Protect aims to strengthen our protection against terrorist

Protect aims to strengthen our protection against terrorist attacks in the

attacks in the UK or against our interests overseas,

and so reduce vulnerability.
From 2013 to 2015 the Home Office is working to:
strengthen UK border security
reduce the vulnerability of the transport network
increase the resilience of the UK’s infrastructure
improve protective security for crowded places


Слайд 17 Prepare aims to mitigate the impact of a

Prepare aims to mitigate the impact of a terrorist incident where

terrorist incident where it cannot be stopped. The Home

Office works with the intelligence agencies and the emergency services to bring a terrorist attack to an end, and to recover from its aftermath.
Prepare is based on an approach to emergency preparedness that concentrates on managing common consequences of a wide range of emergencies, including terrorism.
From 2013 to 2015, the Home Office’s Prepare objectives are to:
continue to build generic capabilities to respond to and recover from a wide range of terrorist and other civil emergencies
improve preparedness for the highest impact risks in the national risk assessment
improve the ability of the emergency services to work together during a terrorist attack - Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Programm
enhance communications and information sharing for terrorist attacks


Слайд 19 UK Legislation against Terrorism

UK Legislation against Terrorism

Слайд 20 The development of criminal legislation on combating terrorism

The development of criminal legislation on combating terrorism in the UK,

in the UK, which has considerable experience in this

area, went in two main directions.
 The first direction was the publication of criminal laws applicable only in Northern Ireland:
    The Northern Ireland (Emergency) Law of 1973;
    the laws of 1975 and 1977 that amended the Northern Ireland (Emergency) Law of 1973;
    The Northern Ireland (Young People) Act, 1974, which provided for the possibility of juveniles between the ages of 14 and 16 incarcerated in prisons awaiting trial, accused of committing various common crimes in the territory of Northern Ireland;
     The Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1978 consolidated the norms of all previous legislation in this field;
    The Northern Ireland (Emergency) Act of 1996
The rest of the territory of the United Kingdom was originally subject to other criminal laws. There acted the Law on the Prevention of Terrorism (temporary provisions) of 1974, and then - with the same title Laws of 1976 and 1984, by which the previous statutes were significantly amended and supplemented.

Слайд 21 Before the adoption of the Terrorism Act in

Before the adoption of the Terrorism Act in 2000 (in effect

2000 (in effect as amended by the Criminal Justice

and Police Act of 2001), the basic laws regulating the practice of criminalizing terrorism were:
     The Prevention of Terrorism (temporary Provisions) Act 1989 with additions;
     The Northern Ireland (Emergency) Act of 1996;
     Law on Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy), 1998.

Слайд 22      The English legislator in the procedural field is

     The English legislator in the procedural field is ready to go

ready to go on limiting individual civil rights and

freedoms when it comes to combating terrorism. For example, the Prevention of Terrorism (Provisional Provisions) Act 1989 provided for the broad powers of the police investigating terrorist activities. For example, a policeman could arrest and search without an order any person suspected of involvement in terrorist activities related to Northern Ireland or another territory.

Accession to the European Convention

In 1978, in connection with the accession of the United Kingdom to the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism were issued the Law on the Suppression of Terrorism and the Law on Persons Subject to Protection under International Law containing a number of important provisions of a criminal law nature.

Слайд 23     The Law of 2000 stipulates that, its main

    The Law of 2000 stipulates that, its main provisions will continue

provisions will continue to be permanent, although annually the

Minister of Internal Affairs is obliged to report to the Parliament on the course of its application.
    With the introduction of new legislation, there is no longer any need to preserve special provisions concerning Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland (Emergency) Act of 1996 also completely ceased to exist.

In 2000, a new Law on Terrorism was adopted in Great Britain, with which the previous legislation was reformed and significantly supplemented. The Law of 1989 was abolished, but a significant part of its regulations (with a certain modification) entered into the new Law.

Слайд 24 The Law on Counteracting Terrorism, Crime and Security

The Law on Counteracting Terrorism, Crime and Security was adopted in

was adopted in December 2001 following the tragic events

that occurred in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, in connection with the need for further development of legislation in those areas of life that are particularly in need of additional protection from terrorism.
     The 2001 law gave the government new powers in the field of: a) ensuring the possibility of collecting and exchanging information necessary to prevent terrorist acts between ministries; b) modernization of the immigration procedure; c) improving the security system for rail and air transport; e) strengthening of control over toxic substances, which can become the target of terrorist acts or can be used by terrorists.

Counteracting terrorism

Слайд 25 There have been various motives behind terrorism in Great

There have been various motives behind terrorism in Great Britain. During the 20th century,

Britain. During the 20th century, most attacks were carried out by

various Irish Republican Army (IRA) groups and were linked to the Northern Ireland conflict (the Troubles). In the late 20th century there were also attacks by Middle Eastern terrorist groups, most of which were linked to the Arab–Israeli conflict. During the 21st century, most terrorist incidents in Britain have been linked to Islamic fundamentalism.A perspective has been put forth that terrorist incidents in Britain may be growing due to Britain's role in the Iraq War and its subsequent role in the Syrian Civil War, however this has not always found support. This theory is further called into question by the fact that most terrorist attacks occur outside of Europe, and in Muslim majority countries.

Between 1971 and 2001, there were 430 terrorist-related deaths in Great Britain. Of these, 125 deaths were linked to the Northern Ireland conflict, and 305 deaths were linked to other causes – most of the latter deaths occurred in the Lockerbie bombing. Since 2001, there have been almost 100 terrorist-related deaths in Great Britain, the vast majority linked to Islamic jihad and religious extremism.

The history of terroristic attacks

Слайд 26 Terrorist incidents map of the United Kingdom 1970-2015.

Terrorist incidents map of the United Kingdom 1970-2015. Northern Ireland and

Northern Ireland and London are major places of incidents.

A total of 4,992 incidents are plotted.

Слайд 27 2017, 22 March: 2017 Westminster attack – Khalid Masood, a

2017, 22 March: 2017 Westminster attack – Khalid Masood, a 52-year-old British man,

52-year-old British man, born in Kent as Adrian Elms,

drove a car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, before crashing the vehicle into the Palace of Westminster's perimeter. He then entered the grounds of the Palace of Westminster, the meeting place of the Houses of Parliament, before being confronted by a police officer. Masood then fatally wounded the officer, which led to him being shot by armed police officers protecting the Palace. Four other people were killed in the attack, and 49 other people were injured. The attack was treated as an act of terrorism motivated by Islamic extremism
2017, 22 May: Manchester Arena bombing – A large explosion caused by Salman Abedi, a British suicide attacker of Libyan descent with a bomb at the Manchester Arena, Manchester, killing 22 individuals and injuring 250 at the end of an Ariana Grande concert. This was the worst terrorist attack in Britain since the 7/7 London bombings in 2005. Many of the 22 victims were children or teenagers, the youngest being an eight-year-old girl.

2010s overall counted 9 terrorist incidents

Слайд 29 2017, 3 June: June 2017 London Bridge attack – Less

2017, 3 June: June 2017 London Bridge attack – Less than two weeks

than two weeks after the Manchester Arena bombing, a

second terrorist attack occurred on British soil, this time in London. A total of eight people were killed and at least 48 injured, some critically. A white van drove at high speed across London Bridge, running into groups of people, then crashed. The occupants then ran to nearby Borough Market, where they stabbed more people.  All three of the terrorists responsible were shot dead by police eight minutes after the incident was reported. All three were wearing imitation suicide bomb vests.
2017, 15 September: Parsons Green bombing – The London tube train was targeted and witnesses reported a flash and bang. Thirty people were injured, mostly with flash burns and crush injuries, but there were no fatalities. The threat level was raised to its highest point of critical soon after. Though treated as terrorism by investigators, there was not enough evidence of the attacker's motives, and he was charged and found guilty of attempted murder. A witness told the jury the attacker felt he had a duty to hate the British, for the death of his parents in Iraq. On 23 March, he was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 34 years; he will be eligible for parole on 23 March 2052. It has been claimed, in an article by Lizzie Dearden of The Independent, that the police missed or misinterpreted evidence indicating Hassan was inspired by ISIS.

Слайд 30 Between 2000 and 2017, 126 people have been killed

Between 2000 and 2017, 126 people have been killed in the UK

in the UK in terrorist attacks, according to figures from

the Global Terrorism Database. Although not on British soil, a further 30 British people were killed in Tunisia when a gunman attacked a hotel popular among Western tourists.
This compares to 1,094 deaths in the 15-year period before that, between 1985 and 1999, and a further 2,211 between 1970 and 1984.
The worst year for terrorism-related deaths in the UK was 1988, when 372 people died. The majority of these died in the Lockerbie disaster, when 270 were killed as a Pan Am transatlantic flight was destroyed by a bomb.
Since 1970, Northern Ireland has seen the most terrorism-related deaths out of any nation in the UK, with IRA-related terrorism plaguing the nation for decades.
1972 saw the peak of this violence, with 353 people killed in Northern Ireland - out of a total of 368 in the whole of the UK. 

Terror is killing far fewer people in the UK now than it was in the 1980s

Слайд 31 International cooperation in the fight against terrorism

International cooperation in the fight against terrorism In the presence of

the presence of Prime Minister May of the United

Kingdom, President Macron of France and Prime Minister Gentiloni of Italy, leaders from industry, like-minded countries, the UN and EU met today in the margins of the UN General Assembly to reaffirm our collective determination to prevent the Internet from being misused by terrorist groups and individuals. We agreed that terrorist use of the Internet is a global issue that needs innovative, international solutions.

Слайд 32  Joint French-British action plan on Internet security
The 4

 Joint French-British action plan on Internet securityThe 4 agreed priorities include:improving

agreed priorities include:
improving methods to remove illegal content from

the internet
supporting the efforts of civil society organisations to promote alternative and counter-narratives
working together to ensure our countries can access data for investigative purposes
improving access to digital evidence across borders

Слайд 33 As leaders of the Global Internet Forum to

As leaders of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT),

Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube have

emphasized their shared ambition to prevent terrorists from exploiting the Internet to radicalize, recruit and spread propaganda, and to protect their users from terrorists and violent extremists online. They have committed to a range of platform-specific and Forum-wide efforts to better tackle terrorist abuse of open platforms, including exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning to accelerate the identification of terrorist content; building on their hash-sharing database of known terrorist content to help more companies to detect and prevent re-upload of that content; and other initiatives to support smaller companies build capabilities for tackling terrorist abuse of their platforms.

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