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Презентация на тему The great doctors of the past

Hippocrates Hippocrates was a famous doctor of ancient times. He was born in 460 B.C. He grew up in doctor’s family. He became famous when he was 20. He was the first person who thought, that
The great doctors  of the pastMade by Kopeikin IvanForm 6BGymnasium 42 Barnaul Hippocrates Hippocrates was a famous doctor of ancient times. He was born AvicennaAvicenna is the famous doctor of Muslim world. He was born in Ambroise ParePare is father of modern surgery. He was born in 1516 HarveyWilliam Harvey was born in 1578 in England. He discovered circulation of Malpighi was the Italian doctor. He made many researches by microscope. He Galler was born in 1708 in Holland. He was the founder of Edward Jenner was an English doctor. He discovered vaccination from smallpox. He MortonMorton was an American dentist. He invented the method of anaesthetization during RaymonRaymon was born in Berlin. He was the first doctor who used Robert KochKoch was born in 1843 in Hamburg. The invention he had
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hippocrates
Hippocrates was a famous doctor of ancient times.

Hippocrates Hippocrates was a famous doctor of ancient times. He was

He was born in 460 B.C. He grew up

in doctor’s family. He became famous when he was 20. He was the first person who thought, that doctors had to treat people in different ways not only with the help of magic. He was sure that a good doctor had to guess about patient’s condition according to appearance. Hippocrates used herbs for treatment. Modern medicine follows his principle “non nocere” – don’t harm.

Слайд 3 Avicenna

Avicenna is the famous doctor of Muslim world.

AvicennaAvicenna is the famous doctor of Muslim world. He was born

He was born in 980 in Buhara. When he

was 10, he read many books of Arabian authors. When he was 18, he was well-known as a good doctor. Avicenna treated the leaders of states. He wrote many philosophical and medical books. The most important Avicenna’s research is “Medical canon”. It was basic medical textbook till the end of 17th century

Слайд 4 Ambroise Pare
Pare is father of modern surgery. He

Ambroise ParePare is father of modern surgery. He was born in

was born in 1516 in France. Pare took part

in the war. He had a rich practice in surgery. He invented the way to stop bleedings. Surgeons use famous Thread of Pare in present time.

Слайд 5 Harvey

William Harvey was born
in 1578 in England.

HarveyWilliam Harvey was born in 1578 in England. He discovered circulation

He discovered circulation
of the blood in body

people and animals.
He was the professor of
anatomy and surgery
in London.

Слайд 6
Malpighi was the Italian doctor. He made many

Malpighi was the Italian doctor. He made many researches by microscope.

researches by microscope. He was the first specialist who

described blood’s vessels. Also Malpighi described the structure of skin, kidneys and lungs.

Слайд 7
Galler was born in 1708 in Holland. He

Galler was born in 1708 in Holland. He was the founder

was the founder of physiology. He discovered mechanism of

breathing, voice and speech.

Слайд 8
Edward Jenner was an English doctor. He discovered

Edward Jenner was an English doctor. He discovered vaccination from smallpox.

vaccination from smallpox. He began to use vaccination for

protecting from infectious diseases.

Слайд 9 Morton
Morton was an American dentist. He invented the

MortonMorton was an American dentist. He invented the method of anaesthetization

method of anaesthetization during operations. He removed sufferings of

his patients and proved that science could conquer pain.

Слайд 10 Raymon
Raymon was born in Berlin. He was the

RaymonRaymon was born in Berlin. He was the first doctor who

first doctor who used the electrical current as a

medical method. He became the founder of electrophysiology

  • Имя файла: the-great-doctors-of-the-past.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 212
  • Количество скачиваний: 3