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Презентация на тему The police of Great Britain

The police of Great Britain is a law enforcement agency, established in 1829. In the United Kingdom there is no single centralized system of police as in Russia. There are 52 police formations: 43 in England
THE POLICE OF GREAT BRITAINThe presentation was made by the student group 9101Akhvetzyanov Nail The police of Great Britain is a law enforcement agency, established in The police of London was established by order of the Minister of 29 September 1829 the first constables of the Metropolitan police began to Scotland Yard — the headquarters of the police of greater London, excluding The current Today, the Service of the Metropolitan police includes many divisions. Territorial police Thanks for watching!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The police of Great Britain is a law

The police of Great Britain is a law enforcement agency, established

enforcement agency, established in 1829. In the United Kingdom

there is no single centralized system of police as in Russia. There are 52 police formations: 43 in England and Wales, 8 in Scotland and one in Northern Ireland. All of them are subordinated to the Ministry of internal Affairs of great Britain.

Слайд 3 The police of London was established by order

The police of London was established by order of the Minister

of the Minister of internal Affairs of Robert Peel.

At the time of its appearance, the police of London consisted of 895 constables, 88 sergeants, 20 inspectors and eight superintendents.

Слайд 4 29 September 1829 the first constables of the

29 September 1829 the first constables of the Metropolitan police began

Metropolitan police began to carry the patrol and sentry

service in the city. The police were clad in dark blue jackets and pants, and black hats. Special clothing was to distinguish them from the soldiers. Their only weapon was a short club and the London police had a special rattle to call for help.

Слайд 5 Scotland Yard — the headquarters of the police

Scotland Yard — the headquarters of the police of greater London,

of greater London, excluding the city of London, which

has its own police. The name is often used in the media to refer to the London police. Largest police Agency in England. It has 31 thousand officers, who are responsible for a population of 7.2 million people in London and the surrounding area.

Слайд 6

The first building of London police

The first building of London police

Слайд 7

The current building of the police of greater London

The current building of the police of

greater London

Слайд 8 Today, the Service of the Metropolitan police includes

Today, the Service of the Metropolitan police includes many divisions. Territorial

many divisions. Territorial police are 32 squads for the

protection of areas of London and a detachment for the protection of Heathrow airport. The territorial police are traffic police, mounted police, the canine, the marine support unit.

Слайд 9

London police in 1850 and now

  • Имя файла: the-police-of-great-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 160
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