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Презентация на тему The world of rebuses and riddles

“Hard nuts” “Smart pupils”"Lucky men"
The world of rebuses and riddles. “Hard nuts” “Smart pupils” Find the missing letters: Check yourself:GNKUXQ Find the words you can make a rhyme: chair - haircock - clockbox - fox leg - bagcat - ratball - doll Answer: Flowers     Berries It's time to have a rest. Find 12 words on the theme Check yourself: Find the key word:a dog, a cat, a pet, a parrot, a Check yourself:a dog, a cat, a pet, a parrot, a guinea pig.a Ураган Windy похозяйничал в доме Энн. Помоги ей навести порядок, расставив все Check yourself: Tell about your favourite season!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 “Hard nuts”
“Smart pupils”
"Lucky men"

“Hard nuts” “Smart pupils”

Слайд 3

We are ready to work.
We are ready to play,
wish each other "Good luck",
win or lose, anyway!

Слайд 4 Find the missing letters:

Find the missing letters:

Слайд 5 Check yourself:

Check yourself:GNKUXQ

Слайд 6 Find the words you can make a rhyme:

Find the words you can make a rhyme:

Слайд 7 chair - hair
cock - clock
box - fox


chair - haircock - clockbox - fox leg - bagcat - ratball - doll

- bag
cat - rat
ball - doll

Слайд 8 Answer: "They grow in the gardens".
1. Рыба,


лампа, оранжевый, вода, яйцо, роза, конфеты.
2. Черный,

слон, кролик, бежать, мороженое, восемь, плавать.

Слайд 9 Flowers

Flowers   Berries

Слайд 10 It's time to have a rest.

It's time to have a rest.

Слайд 11 Find 12 words on the theme "House":

Find 12 words on the theme

Слайд 12 Check yourself:

Check yourself:

Слайд 13 Find the key word:
a dog, a cat, a

Find the key word:a dog, a cat, a pet, a parrot,

pet, a parrot, a guinea pig.
a kitchen, a toilet,

a bathroom, a flat, a living room.

fish, ham, bread, butter, a cake, food, eggs.

Слайд 14 Check yourself:
a dog, a cat, a pet, a

Check yourself:a dog, a cat, a pet, a parrot, a guinea

parrot, a guinea pig.
a kitchen, a toilet, a bathroom,

a flat, a living room.

fish, ham, bread, butter, a cake, food, eggs.

Слайд 15 Ураган Windy похозяйничал в доме Энн. Помоги ей

Ураган Windy похозяйничал в доме Энн. Помоги ей навести порядок, расставив

навести порядок, расставив все по местам:

A bed,

a brush, a car, a teapot, a chair, a bike, a spoon, a bookshelf, a bath, toys, sweets, a computer,a vase, a refrigerator, an axe, an armchair, a cup.

Слайд 16 Check yourself:

Check yourself:

Слайд 17 Tell about your favourite season!

Tell about your favourite season!

  • Имя файла: the-world-of-rebuses-and-riddles.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 266
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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