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Презентация на тему The Writing Process

IntroductionWhat you will learn from this presentation:How to invent, compose, and revise.
The Writing Process IntroductionWhat you will learn from this presentation:How to invent, compose, and revise. How do we write?We… InventingHow to …? InventingPurpose?Audience?Genre?Style?Research? Invention StrategiesExplore classic topics Ask stasis questionsUse tagmemicsRecord ideas without revising or ComposingHow to….? Composing Organizing StrategiesI.  Introduction	A. Set the context	B. Explain why the topic is RevisingHow to…? Revising RevisingClear thesis? Clear communication of ideas?Organization of the paper: from general to Reviewing Strategies RevisingThe paper appears professional?Spelling and punctuation?Sentences clear and easy to read?Documentation style? Proofreading StrategiesRemember: you are smarter than a computer! How do we write?We… How can you get help?from Purdue Writing Lab… Grammar hotline:  (765) 494-3723Where can you get help? The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
What you will learn from this presentation:

How to

IntroductionWhat you will learn from this presentation:How to invent, compose, and revise.

invent, compose, and revise.

Слайд 3 How do we write?


How do we write?We…

Слайд 4 Inventing

How to …?

InventingHow to …?

Слайд 5 Inventing


Слайд 6
Invention Strategies
Explore classic topics
Ask stasis questions
Use tagmemics

Invention StrategiesExplore classic topics Ask stasis questionsUse tagmemicsRecord ideas without revising

ideas without revising or proofreading
Invent and organize ideas visually

to explore relationships, processes

Write personal explorations and reflections on ideas

Слайд 7 Composing

How to….?

ComposingHow to….?

Слайд 8 Composing


Слайд 9
Organizing Strategies
I. Introduction
A. Set the context
B. Explain

Organizing StrategiesI. Introduction	A. Set the context	B. Explain why the topic is

why the topic is
C. State

the thesis

II. Body
A. Build points
B. Develop ideas
C. Support the main claim

III. Conclusion
A. Reemphasize the main
B. Restate the thesis

Слайд 10 Revising

How to…?

RevisingHow to…?

Слайд 11 Revising


Слайд 12 Revising
Clear thesis?

Clear communication of ideas?

Organization of the

RevisingClear thesis? Clear communication of ideas?Organization of the paper: from general

from general to specific information to support the


Paragraph structure?

Conclusion restates the thesis and overviews the main ideas?

Слайд 13 Reviewing Strategies

Reviewing Strategies

Слайд 14 Revising
The paper appears professional?

Spelling and punctuation?

Sentences clear and

RevisingThe paper appears professional?Spelling and punctuation?Sentences clear and easy to read?Documentation style?

easy to read?

Documentation style?

Слайд 15
Proofreading Strategies
Remember: you are smarter than a computer!

Proofreading StrategiesRemember: you are smarter than a computer!

Слайд 16 How do we write?


How do we write?We…

Слайд 17 How can you get help?

from Purdue Writing Lab…

How can you get help?from Purdue Writing Lab…

Слайд 18 Grammar hotline:
(765) 494-3723

Grammar hotline:  (765) 494-3723Where can you get help?

can you get help?

  • Имя файла: the-writing-process.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 197
  • Количество скачиваний: 0