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Презентация на тему To be healthy means

Good health is above wealth !
To be healthy means … Good health is Healthy living guide Popular indoor and outdoor games: Sport helps to bring up:physically strong,courageous,strong-willed,energeticPEOPLE Food can protect to be fit and healthyDon’t be obese …because it leads to serious 1 . It is very important to be fit and healthy;2 .
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Good health is

Good health is         above wealth !

above wealth !

Слайд 3 Healthy living guide

Healthy living guide

Слайд 4 Popular indoor and outdoor games:

Popular indoor and outdoor games:

Слайд 5 Sport helps to bring up:
physically strong,

Sport helps to bring up:physically strong,courageous,strong-willed,energeticPEOPLE

Слайд 6 Food can protect

Food can protect        from diseases !dietshealthy eating


diseases !


healthy eating

Слайд 7 to be fit and healthy
Don’t be obese …

to be fit and healthyDon’t be obese …because it leads to

it leads to serious health problems.
Don’t go in

for sports on a regular basis . . .

but I like to play volleyball and to ski.

It’s ME

  • Имя файла: to-be-healthy-means.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0