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Презентация на тему Travelling around the world

First we move to…
TRAVELLING       AROUND First we move to… Population: 58,04 mln Area: 244,100 sq km. Capital City: London Largest Cities: GETTING AROUND LONDON When I think about London I think of… The second place is… The USA Official name:The United States of AmericaStatus: A Federal Republic, a union of WE MOVE TO… FRANCE France, with the population of more than 58,5 mln,covers a total area And now… Greece CANADA Population: 26, 500, 000.Area: 9,922,330 sq km.Capital City: Ottawa (Ontario).Major City: Montreal, THAILAND Thailand remains a curiousmixture of eastern and western influences.Bangkok is a city of contrasts. Australia Official name:      Commonwealth of AustraliaArea: The continent of Australia is mostly a great plain with mountains in the east and south-east. Have a good day!  Enjoy your journey!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 First we move to…

First we move to…

Слайд 3 Population: 58,04 mln Area: 244,100 sq km. Capital City: London Largest

Population: 58,04 mln Area: 244,100 sq km. Capital City: London Largest

Cities: Birmingham,Glasgow,Leeds,Sheffield Main Languages: English. Principal religions: Roman, Catholic, Protestant. Currency: Pound


United Kingdom of Great Britain



Слайд 7 When I think about London I think of…

When I think about London I think of…

Слайд 8 The second place is…

The second place is…

Слайд 9 The USA


Слайд 10 Official name:The United States of America
Status: A Federal

Official name:The United States of AmericaStatus: A Federal Republic, a union

Republic, a union of 50 states.
Area: 3,623,420 sq.mi
Population: 266,5

Nationality: American
Capital:Washington D.C.
Rivers: Mississippi, Missouri,Rio Grande,Yukon
Arkansas,Colorado, Red, Columbia
Currency: Dollar
Language: English

Слайд 12 WE MOVE TO…


Слайд 13 FRANCE


Слайд 14 France, with the population of more than 58,5

France, with the population of more than 58,5 mln,covers a total

covers a total area of 210,026 square miles.
Its territory

is bordered on the northeast by Belgium,
Luxembourg, on the east by Germany,Switzerland,
and Italy,on the south by the Mediterranean Sea,
Spain and Andorra, on the west by the Bay of
Biscay and on the northwest by the English Channel.

Слайд 15 And now… Greece

And now… Greece

Слайд 17 CANADA


Слайд 18 Population: 26, 500, 000.
Area: 9,922,330 sq km.
Capital City:

Population: 26, 500, 000.Area: 9,922,330 sq km.Capital City: Ottawa (Ontario).Major City:

Ottawa (Ontario).
Major City: Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary,

Winnipeg, Quebec. Main Languages: English and French are both official.
Principal religions: Roman, Catholic, Protestant.
Longest river: Mackenzie.
Largest lake: Great Bear Lake.
Highest Point: Mount Logan.



Слайд 21 Thailand remains a curious
mixture of eastern and

Thailand remains a curiousmixture of eastern and western influences.Bangkok is a city of contrasts.

Bangkok is a city of

Слайд 22 Australia


Слайд 23 Official name: Commonwealth

Official name:   Commonwealth of AustraliaArea:

of Australia

2.966.200 sq.miles( 7.687.000 sq.km)

Population: 18.000.000

Nationality: Australian

Capital: Canberra

Слайд 24 The continent of Australia is mostly a great

The continent of Australia is mostly a great plain with mountains in the east and south-east.

plain with mountains in the east and south-east.

  • Имя файла: travelling-around-the-world.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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