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Презентация на тему Travelling to England с использованием электронного словаря

England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain. And London, its capital, is the 7th biggest city in the world.England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain. And London, its
ENGLANDПрезентация учителя английского языка МБОУ СОШ №9 г. Шахты Ростовской области Кондратьевой England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain. And Alongside with the official division of the UK into England, Scotland, Wales The South-East of England is a low-lying land with gentle hills and A large part of the region is affected by urban development: housing, However, there is still attractive countryside to be found in all countries Heathrow Airport In the South-West of the principal activity is farming. Although there are . Industry is centered on the 3 large ports: Bristol, Portsmouth and The countryside is extremely beautiful, that is why people enjoy going there The South-West of England is famous for the great stone monument of which is probably the most remarkable of prehistoric remains in the country. Some scientists think that the Druids used the Stonehenge as a temple, East Anglia is now known as a farming region. Being extremely flat, It has beautiful cities with fine historic buildings. It has beautiful cities CAMBR IDGE The Midlands is the region usually referred to as the Heart of Oxford Liverpool Stratford-upon-Avon The North of EnglandHere you can find deep valleys, rivers and waterfalls, hills and mountains. The Lake District
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Слайд 2

Слайд 3 England is the largest and the richest country

England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain.

of Great Britain. And London, its capital, is the

7th biggest city in the world.

England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain. And London, its capital, is the 7th biggest city in the world.

Слайд 4 Alongside with the official division of the UK

Alongside with the official division of the UK into England, Scotland,

into England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the territory

of England, in its turn, is subdivided into some distinct parts: the South-East, the South-West, East Anglia, the Midlands, and the Northern part of England.

Alongside with the official division of the UK into England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the territory of England, in its turn, is subdivided into some distinct parts: the South-East, the South-West, East Anglia, the Midlands, and the Northern part of England.

Слайд 5 The South-East of England is a low-lying land

The South-East of England is a low-lying land with gentle hills

with gentle hills and a coast that is regular

in outline. It is the most densely-populated region of England with only 11% of the land area of the country, but a third of the total population.

The South-East of England is a low-lying land with gentle hills and a coast that is regular in outline. It is the most densely-populated region of England with only 11% of the land area of the country, but a third of the total population.

Слайд 6 A large part of the region is affected

A large part of the region is affected by urban development:

by urban development: housing, factories, offices and a complex

network of roads.

A large part of the region is affected by urban development: housing, factories, offices and a complex network of roads.

Слайд 7 However, there is still attractive countryside to be

However, there is still attractive countryside to be found in all

found in all countries outside the influence of London.

The south coast has a mild and sunny climate which makes it popular with both holiday-makers and the elders, who find it
comfortable area to retire to.

However, there is still attractive countryside to be found in all countries outside the influence of London. The south coast has a mild and sunny climate which makes it popular with both holiday-makers and the elders, who find it
comfortable area to retire to.

Слайд 8 Heathrow Airport

Heathrow Airport

Слайд 9 In the South-West of the principal activity is

In the South-West of the principal activity is farming. Although there

farming. Although there are some very big farms, most

are small family ones.

In the South-West of the principal activity is farming. Although there are some very big farms, most are small family ones.

Слайд 10 . Industry is centered on the 3 large

. Industry is centered on the 3 large ports: Bristol, Portsmouth

ports: Bristol, Portsmouth and Southampton. Bristol is the place

where aircraft are designed and built.

. Industry is centered on the 3 large ports: Bristol, Portsmouth and Southampton. Bristol is the place where aircraft are designed and built.

Слайд 11 The countryside is extremely beautiful, that is why

The countryside is extremely beautiful, that is why people enjoy going

people enjoy going there in order “to get away

from it all.”

Слайд 12 The South-West of England is famous for the

The South-West of England is famous for the great stone monument

great stone monument of Stonehenge

The South-West of England

is famous for the great stone monument of Stonehenge

Слайд 13 which is probably the most remarkable of prehistoric

which is probably the most remarkable of prehistoric remains in the

remains in the country.

which is probably the most

remarkable of prehistoric remains in the country.

Слайд 14 Some scientists think that the Druids used the

Some scientists think that the Druids used the Stonehenge as a

Stonehenge as a temple, and the stones could serve

as a calendar.

Слайд 15 East Anglia is now known as a farming

East Anglia is now known as a farming region. Being extremely

region. Being extremely flat, it is mainly dominated by


East Anglia is now known as a farming region. Being extremely flat, it is mainly dominated by agriculture.

Слайд 16 It has beautiful cities with fine historic buildings.

It has beautiful cities with fine historic buildings. It has beautiful

It has beautiful cities with fine historic buildings.



Слайд 18 The Midlands is the region usually referred to

The Midlands is the region usually referred to as the Heart

as the Heart of England. It is one of

the most productive regions in the country, with large industrial areas such as the Black Country in the West Midlands, and a lot of farming areas.

The Midlands is the region usually referred to as the Heart of England. It is one of the most productive regions in the country, with large industrial areas such as the Black Country in the West Midlands, and a lot of farming areas.

Слайд 19 Oxford

Oxford Liverpool

Слайд 20 Stratford-upon-Avon


Слайд 21 The North of England
Here you can find deep

The North of EnglandHere you can find deep valleys, rivers and waterfalls, hills and mountains.

valleys, rivers and waterfalls, hills and mountains.

  • Имя файла: travelling-to-england-s-ispolzovaniem-elektronnogo-slovarya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 118
  • Количество скачиваний: 0