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Презентация на тему Учебно-методический комплект по английскому языку Happy Birthday 3 клас план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

nabana ybu keca okco ate shfi atme odfo garsu Make the words from the letters and match them with the pictures:bananabuycakecookeatfishmeatfoodsugar
Handy Pandy, Jack-a-dandy,Loves bananas and sugar candy.He buys some at the grocer’s nabana ybu keca okco ate shfi atme odfo garsu Make the words Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. We When we come back home, we go to the shop and buy cut fruit an apple an orange an ice cream juice milk cutfruitan applean ice creaman orangejuice milk Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. We When we come back home, we go to the shop and buy Yes, I like to eat … / No, I don’t like to исчисляемые существительные Существительные неисчисляемые существительные обозначают то, что можно посчитать.обозначают то, что There is some juice in the fridge. There are some bananas on milkbananacakebooksugar applemeatjuiceuncountable nounsjuicemilkmeatsugar countable nounscakebananabookappleDivide the words into 2 groups: Fill in the gaps using some or any:1) There are _____ potatoes 1. There is some cheese. 2. There isn’t any butter. 3. There Present Continuous – настоящее длительное время. Утвердительная форма: Sally is doing her Present Continuous – настоящее длительное время. Отрицательная форма: Sally is not doing He is learning to read. 2) We are playing football. 3) Dad Is Gloria putting bananas on the table? Is Gloria taking sugar in the closet? Is Gloria cooking food? Is Gloria switching off the light? Is Gloria eating the cake? Is Gloria giving the flowers? Homework:S/B p. 69 ех.7W/B р. 39 ех.2 (а, б)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 nabana

nabana ybu keca okco ate shfi atme odfo garsu Make the

Make the words from the letters and match

them with the pictures:










Слайд 4 Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes

Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it.

to celebrate it. We have a celebration dinner on

this day. My mother makes the birthday cake, and then she the cake. I like to eat the birthday cake with .We go for a walk in the park. My dad buys me an and .

Слайд 5 When we come back home, we go to

When we come back home, we go to the shop and

the shop and buy a lot of : , and

then we eat them. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.

Слайд 7 fruit


Слайд 8 an apple

an apple

Слайд 9 an orange

an orange

Слайд 10 an ice cream

an ice cream

Слайд 13 cut
an apple
an ice cream
an orange

cutfruitan applean ice creaman orangejuice milk

Слайд 14 Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes

Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it.

to celebrate it. We have a celebration dinner on

this day. My mother makes the birthday cake, and then she the cake. I like to eat the birthday cake with .We go for a walk in the park. My dad buys me an and .

Слайд 15 When we come back home, we go to

When we come back home, we go to the shop and

the shop and buy a lot of : , and

then we eat them. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.

Слайд 16 Yes, I like to eat … /

Yes, I like to eat … / No, I don’t like

I don’t like to eat … .
Do you like

to eat … ?

Слайд 17 исчисляемые
обозначают то, что

исчисляемые существительные Существительные неисчисляемые существительные обозначают то, что можно посчитать.обозначают то,

можно посчитать.
обозначают то, что нельзя сосчитать
one pen – two

one toy – three toys


Слайд 18 There is some juice in the fridge.

There is some juice in the fridge. There are some bananas

are some bananas on the table.
There isn’t any

juice in the fridge.

Is there any juice in the fridge?

There aren’t any bananas on the table.

Are there any bananas on the table?

Слайд 19 milk
uncountable nouns
countable nouns
Divide the words into

milkbananacakebooksugar applemeatjuiceuncountable nounsjuicemilkmeatsugar countable nounscakebananabookappleDivide the words into 2 groups:

2 groups:

Слайд 20 Fill in the gaps using some or any:

Fill in the gaps using some or any:1) There are _____

There are _____ potatoes on the table.
2) I

want a pizza and _____ chips.
3) Can I have _____ Coke, please?
4) We haven’t got _____ burgers.
5) They have got _____ pasta.
6) I haven’t got ____ lemonade.
7) Can I have ____ apples, please?








Слайд 21 1. There is some cheese.
2. There isn’t

1. There is some cheese. 2. There isn’t any butter. 3.

any butter.
3. There are some tomatoes.

4. There

is some sugar.
5. There aren’t any cabbages.

Is there any cheese?

Is there any butter?

Is there any sugar?

Are there any cabbages?

Are there some tomatoes?

Ask questions to the sentences:

Слайд 22 Present Continuous – настоящее длительное время.
Утвердительная форма:

Present Continuous – настоящее длительное время. Утвердительная форма: Sally is doing

Sally is doing her homework at the moment. /

They are buying a new car.

Отрицательная форма: Sally is not doing her homework at the moment. / They are not buying a new car.

Слайд 23 Present Continuous – настоящее длительное время.
Отрицательная форма:

Present Continuous – настоящее длительное время. Отрицательная форма: Sally is not

Sally is not doing her homework at the moment.

/ They are not buying a new car.

Существует краткая форма:
isn’t / aren’t.

Слайд 24 He is learning to read.

2) We are

He is learning to read. 2) We are playing football. 3)

playing football.

3) Dad and me are fishing now.


Radio is not working.

5) They are drinking tea.

He is not learning to read.

We are not playing football.

Radio is not working.

They are not drinking tea.

Dad and me are not fishing now.

Make the negative form:

Слайд 25 Is Gloria putting bananas on the table?

Is Gloria putting bananas on the table?

Слайд 26 Is Gloria taking sugar in the closet?

Is Gloria taking sugar in the closet?

Слайд 27 Is Gloria cooking food?

Is Gloria cooking food?

Слайд 28 Is Gloria switching off the light?

Is Gloria switching off the light?

Слайд 29 Is Gloria eating the cake?

Is Gloria eating the cake?

Слайд 30 Is Gloria giving the flowers?

Is Gloria giving the flowers?

  • Имя файла: uchebno-metodicheskiy-komplekt-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-happy-birthday-3-klas-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-3-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
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