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Презентация на тему урок

1. the people of Russia2. the biggest cities of our country3. Russia’s nature and animals4. the weather in different parts of RussiaLook at the titles of the texsts and say which text can tell you
урок 1. the people of Russia2. the biggest cities of our country3. Scenery – пейзажdiverse – разнообразныйamazing – удивительный, изумительныйimpressive – впечатляющий, внушительныйvast [va:st] NationalityTime zoneSubtropicalTundraSteppeTry to guess the meaning of the words Desert – a vast area of sand, sunny and hotPopulation – people, Complete the sentences:1.The name of our country is………2.Russia lies in ……….3.Russia stretches Famous places in Moscow Famous places in St'Petersburg Famous places in Sochi Olympic games in Sochi 2014Russia has medalsGold – 13Silver -11Bronze -9All medals Thank you very much for your work and attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
1. the people of Russia
2. the biggest

1. the people of Russia2. the biggest cities of our

cities of our country
3. Russia’s nature and animals
4. the

weather in different parts of Russia

Look at the titles of the texsts and
say which text can tell you about

Слайд 3 Scenery – пейзаж
diverse – разнообразный
amazing – удивительный, изумительный

Scenery – пейзажdiverse – разнообразныйamazing – удивительный, изумительныйimpressive – впечатляющий, внушительныйvast

– впечатляющий, внушительный
vast [va:st] – необъятный, обширный
extreme – крайний

tree – берёза
own [oun] – собственный
culture – культура
magnificent - великолепный

New words:

Слайд 4 Nationality
Time zone
Try to guess the meaning of the

NationalityTime zoneSubtropicalTundraSteppeTry to guess the meaning of the words


Слайд 5 Desert – a vast area of sand, sunny

Desert – a vast area of sand, sunny and hotPopulation –

and hot
Population – people, who live in a particular

Temperate – a climate, which has cold winters and hot summers
Monsoon – a climate, which has lots of rain

Try to understand the meaning of the words:

Слайд 6 Complete the sentences:
1.The name of our country is………

Complete the sentences:1.The name of our country is………2.Russia lies in ……….3.Russia

lies in ……….
3.Russia stretches across …… times zones.
4.Most part

of Russia has ………………climate with cold winters and hot summers.
5.The coldest place in the world is……
6.The symbols of Russia are……..
7. The capital of Russia is……..
8. The country’s main ports are…….


Слайд 7 Famous places in Moscow

Famous places in Moscow

Слайд 8 Famous places in St'Petersburg

Famous places in St'Petersburg

Слайд 9 Famous places in Sochi

Famous places in Sochi

Слайд 10 Olympic games in Sochi 2014
Russia has medals
Gold –

Olympic games in Sochi 2014Russia has medalsGold – 13Silver -11Bronze -9All

Silver -11
Bronze -9
All medals - 33
The Paralympics:
Gold – 30

Bronze -22
All medals - 80

  • Имя файла: urok.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0