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Презентация на тему В больнице

“Money is not everything. You can buy a doctor but not health.”
A TRIP TO HOSPITAL “Money is not everything. You can buy a doctor   but not health.” Match the synonymsPain Match the synonymsPain   -   acheillness Look at the pictures and say why the children need help Listen to the school nurse giving a lecture to schoolchildren. Complete the Then reasons why the children end up in hospital are different. Sometimes NEW VOCABULARYthe entrance – вхідsmock – халатdisinfectant – дизинфікуючий засібthe paediatric ward Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).__ Miss Alison F  Miss Alison took her class for an excursion to the Select the one word in a line which doesn't belong there:1) fever, 1) fever, headache, treatment, insomnia;2) drops, pain, hurt, ache;3) examine, prescribe, consult, Let’s do the crossword A doctor’s order for a medicine 2. The Thank you for your work Good-bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 “Money is not everything.
You can buy a

“Money is not everything. You can buy a doctor  but not health.”

doctor but not health.”

Слайд 3 Match the synonyms

Match the synonymsPain      diseaseillness


ill cure
Fever temperature
Treat remedy
Medicine recover
Drugstore sick
Get well ache

Слайд 4 Match the synonyms
Pain -

Match the synonymsPain  -  acheillness  -  diseaseill

illness - disease

- sick
Treat - cure
Fever - temperature
Medicine - remedy
Drugstore - chemist’s
Get well - recover

Слайд 5 Look at the pictures and say why the

Look at the pictures and say why the children need help

children need help

Слайд 6 Listen to the school nurse giving a lecture

Listen to the school nurse giving a lecture to schoolchildren. Complete

to schoolchildren. Complete the sentences.
Then reasons why the children

end up in hospital are __________.
Sometimes patients enter the hospital ____.
Either ________ can send a child there if immediate medical care is needed.
The treatment for ________ is provided in the emergency room.
It is necessary for the doctors to know ____.

Слайд 7 Then reasons why the children end up in

Then reasons why the children end up in hospital are different.

hospital are different. Sometimes patients enter the hospital in case

of emergency. Either the parent or a doctor can send a child there if immediate medical care is needed. The treatment for a broken arm, allergic reaction or asthma attack is provided in the emergency room. It is necessary for the doctors to know about medicines takenrecently, allergies, name and age.


the entrance – вхід
smock – халат
disinfectant –

NEW VOCABULARYthe entrance – вхідsmock – халатdisinfectant – дизинфікуючий засібthe paediatric

дизинфікуючий засіб
the paediatric ward – дитяче відділення
be raised up

or down – піднімати чи опускати

Слайд 9 Read and tick the statements T (True) or

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).__ Miss

F (False).

__ Miss Alison took her class for an

excursion to the policlinics last week.
__ Mrs Brown met the children at the entrance.
__ Children didn’t put their white smock on as all the doctors who worked there.
__ People come to the hospital only when they need extra help to get well.
__ Children were smelling disinfectant the hospital floor was washed with.
__ Children usually stay in the paediatric ward when they are in hospital.

Слайд 10
F Miss Alison took her class for

F Miss Alison took her class for an excursion to the

an excursion to the policlinics last week.
T Mrs

Brown met the children at the entrance.
F Children didn’t put their white smock on as all the doctors who worked there.
F People come to the hospital only when they need extra help to get well.
T Children were smelling disinfectant the hospital floor was washed with.
T Children usually stay in the paediatric ward when they are in hospital.

Слайд 11 Select the one word in a line which

Select the one word in a line which doesn't belong there:1)

doesn't belong there:
1) fever, headache, treatment, insomnia;
2) drops, pain,

hurt, ache;
3) examine, prescribe, consult, cough;
4) medicines, appointment, pills, drops;
5) give injection, measure blood pressure, gargle throat, cause complications.

Слайд 12
1) fever, headache, treatment, insomnia;
2) drops, pain, hurt,

1) fever, headache, treatment, insomnia;2) drops, pain, hurt, ache;3) examine, prescribe,

3) examine, prescribe, consult, cough;
4) medicines, appointment, pills, drops;

give injection, measure blood pressure, gargle throat, cause complications.

Слайд 13 Let’s do the crossword
A doctor’s order

Let’s do the crossword A doctor’s order for a medicine 2.

for a medicine
2. The condition of a person’s

body or mind
3. Misuse of something
4. The ending or lessening of pain or suffering
5. A substance used to try to cure a disease
6. A substance that kills germs
7. Someone who makes or sells medicines
8. An infectious disease causes fever or pain
9. A pain in the ear
10. To feel pain or sadness

  • Имя файла: v-bolnitse.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0