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Презентация на тему В отеле

Lets start from the very beginning- check your knowledge of the essential vocabulary. So, translate into Ukrainian:To fly by planeThe plane arrivesA non stop flightTo fasten seat beltsCabin luggagePassport controlTo go through the green
I'm sure you have. The same with me. My dream came true Lets start from the very beginning-  check your knowledge of the How all this started…  Everything started on June 19, 1998. We Check yourself!  Have you understood everything correctly?  Say which sentences New York ...New York…When we arrived in New York it was Check your understanding of the previous text.  Finish the sentences:We arrived This is the hotel we stayed at…   EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL Look at the map of Washington! Find Embassy Suits Hotel on it. Staying at the hotelEmbassy Suits is a 9- storiedred-brick building which could The rooms or “suites”We had a double room for 3 of us. The story goes on…And this is a “terrible A few words about mealsLike in all high-class hotels breakfast is Check your understanding of the previous texts:1.What is terrible about the elevator To cut a long story short…Have I persuaded you that learning
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Lets start from the very beginning- check your

Lets start from the very beginning- check your knowledge of the

knowledge of the essential vocabulary. So, translate into Ukrainian:

fly by plane
The plane arrives
A non stop flight
To fasten seat belts
Cabin luggage
Passport control
To go through the green channel
Customs officer
The purpose of your visit
To check in the hotel
To fill out a form
A single\double room
Bed and breakfast
All modern conveniences

Слайд 3 How all this started… Everything started on June 19,

How all this started… Everything started on June 19, 1998. We

1998. We departed from Boryspil International Airport. It was

not a non-stop flight. We flew from Kyiv to Vienna, from Vienna to New York, from New York to Washington. The longest trip was over the Atlantic Ocean. It took more than 8 hours and it was rather tiresome, though the service was great. We were given food twice and from time to time we could have some drinks. There were more than 12 music channels, built into our seats, and we could choose music to our tastes. There was a big screen in the middle and some films were shown during the flight. Films were broken a few times and we were shown some exercises to relax our bodies, information about the weather outside, the height of our flight, the countries we were passing by. We flew over Germany. ,Holland, England, Scotland, Ireland, Greenland, Canada. The countries below were so small, but so beautiful.

Registration for the
Austrian Airlines flight

Слайд 4 Check yourself! Have you understood everything correctly? Say

Check yourself! Have you understood everything correctly? Say which sentences are

which sentences are true and which are false!

1.The flight from Kyiv to Washington was a non stop one.
2. It was a little bit tiresome, because there was no
necessary comfort.

3. The flight from Vienna to New York lasted more than 9

4.The countries below were small and charming.
5.The Pacific Ocean was below.
6.All the passengers listened to the music they liked.
7.If the passengers were hungry, they had to pay for their
8.The plane took off in Boryspil International Airport.

Слайд 5 New York ...New York…
When we arrived in New

New York ...New York…When we arrived in New York it

York it was early morning in Ukraine and we

were so sleepy that it was hard to us to say a word or to make an extra movement. We had to go through our custom and passport control. The custom officer asked us one and the same question “What's the purpose of your visit?” We answered “Business. It’s a professional development seminar." The custom officers, the porters, all the clerks and many other workers in the airport were black and my first impression of the city was “a city of black people.”

JFK International Airport in New York

Слайд 6 Check your understanding of the previous text. Finish

Check your understanding of the previous text. Finish the sentences:We arrived

the sentences:
We arrived in New York …
We had to

It was difficult to do it because…
The custom officer asked us about…
The purpose of our visit was…
Very many people in the airport were…
I called the city…

The group of Ukrainian
teachers on the way back
home in the Airport of Washington,

12th August, 1998.

Слайд 7 This is the hotel we stayed at…

This is the hotel we stayed at…  EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL


Слайд 8 Look at the map of Washington! Find Embassy

Look at the map of Washington! Find Embassy Suits Hotel on

Suits Hotel on it. Try to guess why it

is called this way

Слайд 9 Staying at the hotel
Embassy Suits is a 9-

Staying at the hotelEmbassy Suits is a 9- storiedred-brick building which

red-brick building which could be easily called a paradise

for those on business and tourists. When you enter it, you get to the lobby( in the picture) with exotic trees and pot flowers, a waterfall, a breakfast area, an Italian restaurant, a swimming pool to the right. The glass roof gives you the idea, that you are in the open air and you can even hear the birds singing.

Слайд 10 The rooms or “suites”

We had a double room

The rooms or “suites”We had a double room for 3 of

for 3 of us. It was
well-furnitured with 2

big beds, a sofa,
a TV- set, a microwave oven, a bath, a
telephone ,which could connect you
with any part of the world! (11 years
ago when we haven't heard of mobile
phones and only very rich people had
computers at home). The room-maids
cleaned the rooms every day, changed
towels and they always came when
we were not in, not to interfere with us.
They made our beds and could send our
dirty clothes to the laundry if we put them
into a special plastic bag.

Слайд 11 The story goes on…

And this is a “terrible"

The story goes on…And this is a “terrible

glass lift, called “an elevator" by Americans. It is

over the lobby and many of our friends were afraid to use it. But
for those brave, it was a pleasure as a beautiful view of the whole
hotel was before your eyes. One more interesting thing to be learned
about Americans! When the door of the elevator opens and one of
them comes in, he immediately
says ” Excuse me” because
he thinks he breaks
your quietness by coming
into it! Oh, yes,
they are really
so polite!

Слайд 12 A few words about meals
Like in all high-class

A few words about mealsLike in all high-class hotels breakfast

breakfast is included into
the price of your

staying. From
7o’clock in the morning you can
come down to the breakfast area
(in the picture) and eat as much
as you can. The choice is wide.
For having business parties and
dinners there is a Ball room,
a Wine room.

There is a nice tradition called “A happy hour" there from 17 till 19 o’clock.
All the visitors are given 2 free drinks. You can sit in the smokers’ area
or in the non-smokers’ one, enjoy your drink and communication by the
candlelight. The Italian restaurant ”Panevino” was at our disposal too.
And it was as convenient as the other places mentioned above.

Слайд 13 Check your understanding of the previous texts:
1.What is

Check your understanding of the previous texts:1.What is terrible about the

terrible about the elevator in the hotel?
2. What characteristics

of Americans do elevators help to understand?
3.What is especial about breakfasts at the hotel?
4.Will you describe the wonders of the lobby?
5.How do you imagine “The happy hour” at the hotel?
6.Whom would you call from the hotel suit? What would you tell them about?

A group dinner in the Ball room with
the representatives of the Ukrainian

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