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Презентация на тему Викторина Feel Australian!

Друзья!Викторины – замечательная головоломка! Согласны?Перед Вами – самые простые вопросы про Австралию.Интересные данные и факты. Ответ появляется сразу же при нажатии мышкой на вопрос.Для перехода от слайда к слайду нужно пользоваться управляющей стрелкой. Совершенствуйте свои лингвистические
Друзья!Викторины – замечательная головоломка! Согласны?Перед Вами – самые простые вопросы про Австралию.Интересные Murray RiverCan you name the longest river in Australia? Alice SpringsWhich large town is situated in the geographic centre of Australia? A sheepA jumbuck is an Australian English term for what? January (26th)In which month of the year is Australia Day? The Tasman SeaWhich sea is situated between Australia and New Zealand? Six (The Southern Cross (5 stars) and The Commonwealth Star)How many stars MelbourneIn which city is the Australian Open tennis tournament held annually? c)34 millionHow many kangaroos are estimated to live in Australia: (a)340,000, (b)3.4 million, or (c)34 million? c)34 millionWhat is the national gemstone of Australia - it's by far Read Friends!Master Your English through such Clever Games!I’ll be Back! :) Источники:https://schoolegypt.ru/upload/iblock/2c2/kang_home.png https://img1.freepng.ru/20181207/rus/kisspng-owl-clip-art-vector-graphics-stock-photography-ill-5c0a4f3e538725.7653120415441795183421.jpghttp://www.freepubquiz.co.uk/australia-quiz-questions.html Ресурс создан с применением шаблона «Интерактивные сорбонки»: https://easyen.ru/load/shablony_prezentacij/igry_viktoriny_testy/prezentacija_shablon_interaktivnye_sorbonki/528-1-0-60257  Автор
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Друзья!

Викторины – замечательная головоломка! Согласны?

Перед Вами – самые

Друзья!Викторины – замечательная головоломка! Согласны?Перед Вами – самые простые вопросы про

простые вопросы про Австралию.
Интересные данные и факты.

Ответ появляется

сразу же при нажатии мышкой на вопрос.

Для перехода от слайда к слайду нужно пользоваться управляющей стрелкой.

Совершенствуйте свои лингвистические знания
через весёлые и умные игры!


Слайд 3 Murray River
Can you name the longest river in

Murray RiverCan you name the longest river in Australia?


Слайд 4 Alice Springs
Which large town is situated in the

Alice SpringsWhich large town is situated in the geographic centre of Australia?

geographic centre of Australia?

Слайд 5 A sheep
A jumbuck is an Australian English term

A sheepA jumbuck is an Australian English term for what?

for what?

Слайд 6 January (26th)
In which month of the year is

January (26th)In which month of the year is Australia Day?

Australia Day?

Слайд 7 The Tasman Sea
Which sea is situated between Australia

The Tasman SeaWhich sea is situated between Australia and New Zealand?

and New Zealand?

Слайд 8 Six (The Southern Cross (5 stars) and The

Six (The Southern Cross (5 stars) and The Commonwealth Star)How many

Commonwealth Star)
How many stars are there on the Australian


Слайд 9 Melbourne
In which city is the Australian Open tennis

MelbourneIn which city is the Australian Open tennis tournament held annually?

tournament held annually?

Слайд 10 c)34 million
How many kangaroos are estimated to live

c)34 millionHow many kangaroos are estimated to live in Australia: (a)340,000, (b)3.4 million, or (c)34 million?

in Australia: (a)340,000, (b)3.4 million, or (c)34 million?

Слайд 11 c)34 million
What is the national gemstone of Australia

c)34 millionWhat is the national gemstone of Australia - it's by

- it's by far the world's largest producer of


Слайд 12 Read Friends!

Master Your English through such Clever Games!


Read Friends!Master Your English through such Clever Games!I’ll be Back! :)

be Back! :)

  • Имя файла: viktorina-feel-australian.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 135
  • Количество скачиваний: 2