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Презентация на тему Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Моя школа

My school Моя школа
Токарева Гузель ФаридовнаУчитель английского языкаМАОУ «Гимназия №77»Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Моя школа» для 4 класса My school Моя школа Правила работы в группахРаспределить ролиThe CapitanThe AssistantThe Speaker2. Работать дружно3. Уметь слушать That’s great and coolWe study at schoolEnglish, Music, Art,Russian, Tatar, Maths,Nature Study and PE,Handicraft and History. MY SCHOOLI would like to tell you some things about my school. True or False?1. Robert’s school is seventy years old.2. Sometimes pupils have MY SCHOOLI would like to tell you some things about my school. Answer the questionsWhat is Robert’s school number?How many floors are there?What is “Champion Game”Make up as many sentences about your school as you can. the most popular lesson Let’s sing the songWhere? Thank you for your work! Источники материаловhttp://gazeta.tgim1.edusite.ru/21/images/index/1.jpg - портрет Г.Тукаяhttp://cs9629.vkontakte.ru/u59515773/a_59353834.jpg - фото мальчикаhttp://chepetsk-news.ru/img/articles/2011-06/skoldva.gif.jpg - фото школыhttp://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/files/subjects_flash.pdf - http://cs5323.vkontakte.ru/g32160271/a_745ad1c6.jpg - цифрыhttp://www.ci.el-cajon.ca.us/dept/redev/images/history1.gif - музейhttp://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/files/classroom_flash.pdf - доска, стулhttp://www.esl-kids.com/flashcards/classroom/large-classroom.pdf - часы, парта, дверьhttp://www.ixbt.com/short/pics1/slim_x.jpg
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 My school Моя школа

My school Моя школа

Слайд 3 Правила работы в группах
Распределить роли
The Capitan
The Assistant
The Speaker

Правила работы в группахРаспределить ролиThe CapitanThe AssistantThe Speaker2. Работать дружно3. Уметь

Работать дружно
3. Уметь слушать других и уважительно относится к

мнению других

Слайд 4

That’s great and cool
We study at school
English, Music,

That’s great and coolWe study at schoolEnglish, Music, Art,Russian, Tatar, Maths,Nature Study and PE,Handicraft and History.

Russian, Tatar, Maths,
Nature Study and PE,
Handicraft and History.

I would like to tell you some

MY SCHOOLI would like to tell you some things about my

things about my school. My school is number 2,

it is big and comfortable. It is 60 years old. There are many trees near the school. You can see a sportsground behind the school. Sometimes we have PE lessons there. Our school has three floors.
There are ten desks in my classroom. The teacher’s table is near the window. We have got three windows in the classroom. There are a lot of interesting things on the walls such as an Alphabet, numbers and nice pictures. The blackboard is green and the floor is brown. There are many books in the bookcase.
I like my school. I go there and learn new things.


Слайд 6 True or False?
1. Robert’s school is seventy years

True or False?1. Robert’s school is seventy years old.2. Sometimes pupils

2. Sometimes pupils have PE lessons on the sportsground.

The teacher’s table is near the bookcase.
4. There are ten desks in the classroom.
5. Robert doesn’t like to go to school.






I would like to tell you some

MY SCHOOLI would like to tell you some things about my

things about my school. My school is number 2,

it is big and comfortable. It is 60 years old. There are many trees near the school. You can see a sportsground behind the school. Sometimes we have PE lessons there. Our school has three floors.
There are ten desks in my classroom. The teacher’s table is near the window. We have got three windows in the classroom. There are a lot of interesting things on the walls such as an Alphabet, numbers and nice pictures. The blackboard is green and the floor is brown. There are many books in the bookcase.
I like my school. I go there and learn new things.


Слайд 8 Answer the questions
What is Robert’s school number?
How many

Answer the questionsWhat is Robert’s school number?How many floors are there?What

floors are there?
What is there on the walls?
How many

windows have they got?
What colour is the blackboard?

Слайд 9 “Champion Game”
Make up as many sentences about your

“Champion Game”Make up as many sentences about your school as you can.

school as you can.

Слайд 10 the most popular lesson

the most popular lesson

Слайд 11 Let’s sing the song

Let’s sing the songWhere?

Слайд 12 Thank you for your work!

Thank you for your work!

Слайд 13 Источники материалов
http://gazeta.tgim1.edusite.ru/21/images/index/1.jpg - портрет Г.Тукая
http://cs9629.vkontakte.ru/u59515773/a_59353834.jpg - фото мальчика

Источники материаловhttp://gazeta.tgim1.edusite.ru/21/images/index/1.jpg - портрет Г.Тукаяhttp://cs9629.vkontakte.ru/u59515773/a_59353834.jpg - фото мальчикаhttp://chepetsk-news.ru/img/articles/2011-06/skoldva.gif.jpg - фото школыhttp://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/files/subjects_flash.pdf

- фото школы
http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/files/subjects_flash.pdf - рисунок урока труда
http://naweederooz.com/in/index_files/rus_alphabet.jpg - алфавит

- hello
http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/0/43/952/43952072_peinture.gif - палитра
http://news.sarbc.ru/images/2011/12/img_lvrUUJ.jpg - ноты
http://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/cew/images/physical_education.gif - урок физкультуры
http://cicobb.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341d33f753ef0133ecb5048a970b-800wi - мальчик с сачком

  • Имя файла: vneklassnoe-meropriyatie-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-moya-shkola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 1